(A)   When any person licensed to sell alcoholic liquor at retail sells beer for consumption off the premises in a container with a liquid capacity of five or more gallons or eighteen and ninety-two hundredths or more liters, the seller shall record the date of sale, the keg identification number, the purchaser’s name and address, and the number of the purchaser’s motor vehicle operator’s license, state identification card or military identification, if such military identification contains a picture of the purchaser, together with the purchaser’s signature. Such record shall be on a form prescribed by the Liquor Control Commission and shall be kept by the licensee at the retail establishment where the purchase was made for not less than six months. Such records kept pursuant to this section shall be available for inspection by any law enforcement officer during normal business hours or at any other reasonable time. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of an offense.
   (B)   Licensees shall place a label bearing a keg identification number on each keg at the time of retail sale. Any person who unlawfully tampers with, alters or removes the keg identification number from a beer container or is in possession of a beer container described in division (A) above with an altered or removed keg identification number after such container has been taken from the licensed premises pursuant to a retail sale and before its return to such licensed premises or other place where returned kegs are accepted shall be guilty of an offense.
(1997 Code, § 10-528)  (Ord. 33-94, passed 7-12-1994)  Penalty, see § 110.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 53-167.02, 53-167.03