Animals Generally
90.01 Controlled within municipality
90.02 Banned from municipality
90.03 Wild
90.04 Cruelty
90.05 Killing and injuring
90.06 Enclosures
90.07 Fowl; written permission
90.08 Pitting; definitions
90.09 Pitting prohibited
90.10 Pitting; spectators prohibited
90.11 Abandonment, neglect and cruelty
90.12 Equine; bovine; prohibited acts
90.13 Number allowed
90.14 Restrictions
Dogs; Regulations
90.25 License
90.26 Dog guides, hearing aid dogs, service dogs; exempt from license tax
90.27 License tags
90.28 Running at large
90.29 Owner defined
90.30 Proclamation
90.31 Capture impossible
90.32 Interference with Village Clerk
90.33 Killing and poisoning
90.34 Barking and offensive
90.35 Fighting
90.36 Dangerous and vicious dogs
90.99 Penalty