(A)   Any dog found in the city without a tag or running at large shall be placed in the city pound. Any dog found in violation of this subchapter may be impounded. All animals conveyed to the pound shall be kept, with humane treatment and sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five regular business days, unless the animal is a dangerous animal as defined under § 90.02 in which case it shall be kept for seven regular business days or the times specified in § 90.02, and except if the animal is a cruelly-treated animal in which case it shall be kept for ten regular business days, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners or keepers as provided by this section. In case the owner or keeper shall desire to reclaim the animal from the pound, the following shall be required, unless otherwise provided for in this code or established from time to time by resolution of the City Council:
      (1)   Payment of the release fee and receipt of a release permit as established by Chapter 32 of this code, as that chapter may be amended from time to time.
      (2)    Payment of maintenance costs, as provided by the pound, per day or any part of day while animal is in the pound; and
      (3)   If a dog is unlicensed, payment of a regular license fee as established by Chapter 32, as that chapter may be amended from time to time, and valid certificate of vaccination for rabies and distemper shots is required.
   (B)   A dog shall be released to his or her owners or person previously in possession of him or her upon a sworn statement of ownership, proof that a license has been issued for the impounded animal, proof that rabies inoculation is current, and the payment of impounding fees.
(Ord. 87, passed 4-16-1992)