(A) The requested minor subdivision shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor in the form of a Certificate of Survey.
(B) The data and supportive information detailing the proposed subdivision shall be as follows:
(1) Certificate of survey. If the property affected is registered land, a Registered Land Survey shall be required. Contents of the certificate of survey:
(a) North arrow.
(b) Lot sizes in square feet, prior to and after the proposed split.
(c) Existing buildings and setbacks from proposed lot lines.
(d) Tree cover.
(e) Legal descriptions for the parcels to be created.
(f) Streets and easements.
(g) A graphic scale.
(h) Date of preparation.
(2) Additional information. In addition to the certificate of survey, the applicant shall submit:
(a) A special assessment search.
(b) Property owners' names and proof of ownership.
(c) Zoning of all affected parcels.
(d) One digital copy of the minor subdivision shall be submitted to the city on disk in the electronic format required by the city.
(Ord. 2006-193, passed 4-27-2006)