§ 115.11 LICENSES.
   (A)   Licenses shall be issued under this division for a period not to exceed one year.
   (B)   Display of license. Every license shall be kept conspicuously posted about the place for which it is issued, along with the telephone numbers of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Spill Unit and the Fire Department. Licenses shall be exhibited to any person upon request.
   (C)   License fee. The fee for every motor vehicle salvage facility and/or junkyard license shall be an amount established by Council resolution per year. Such fees do not include costs to be paid by the licensee in the design, supervision; and construction of any ground water monitoring wells required as part of this license.
   (D)   Hearing on granting, denial, renewal, or revocation of license. Every license may be revoked by the Council for violation of any provision of this section, after the licensee has been given reasonable notice and the opportunity to be heard, or upon any change in zoning or conditional use permit status of the premises whereby motor vehicle salvage facilities and/or junkyards are prohibited. There shall be no refund of any license fee, or any portion thereof upon revocation.