A.   Size Of Site: There shall be a minimum of three thousand (3,000) square feet of stall space for each manufactured home site.
   B.   Common Area: At least ten percent (10%) of the total area of the property on which the park is situated shall be maintained as common area or open space. Such area may include amenities for the use of the residents but shall not include the interior driveways or parking or the open areas of the individual stall spaces.
   C.   Setbacks Between Manufactured Homes: There shall be a minimum setback of ten feet (10') between manufactured homes. Landings and stairs projecting no more than three feet (3') from each unit shall be allowed to project into the setback area. The setback area shall be kept otherwise free and clear of structures, for purposes of fire department access.
   D.   Off Street Parking: Parking shall be provided as required by chapter 12 of this title. Parking spaces shall not be part of the minimum pavement width for internal circulation. Parking may be provided adjacent to each unit and/or in common shared parking areas.
   E.   Width Of Drives: Internal driveways shall have a width of not less than twenty feet (20'), exclusive of on site parking. Driveways and parking shall be properly surfaced with gravel or asphalt.
   F.   Landscaping: Landscaping shall be provided as required by chapter 13 of this title. Landscaping shall be provided around the perimeter of the site, to provide screening from the street and adjacent properties and to beautify the park.
      1.   Wherever possible, existing tree cover and natural vegetation shall be maintained.
      2.   There shall be a minimum of one tree on the site for each unit.
      3.   Fences may be incorporated into the landscaping design.
   G.   Design Review: Design review is required for the site design of the manufactured home park, including, but not limited to, site layout, circulation and landscaping. Design review is not required for individual structures except where design review would be required for a single-family residence.
   H.   Additional Requirements: Manufactured home parks shall also be subject to the requirements of sections 10-3-3 and 10-3-4 of this code. (Ord. 849, 8-17-2009)