A. Purpose: The purpose of this section is to define requirements for street planning and construction to be followed in development, review, and approval of site plans, subdivisions, and short subdivisions, as well as new development on existing plats.
B. Construction Standards And Specifications: Construction and design standards and specifications for streets are contained in the document entitled "Development Guidelines And Public Works Standards", and all streets must be completed in accordance with these standards.
C. Right Of Way Permit Required: Prior to performing any work within a right of way, the person performing the work must obtain a right of way permit from the community development director, who may condition the permit as necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
D. State Highway Access: Revised Code of Washington chapter 47.50 is hereby adopted by reference to provide for regulation and control of vehicular access and connection points of ingress to and egress from the state highway system within the incorporated area of the city of Long Beach. In order to implement requirements of Revised Code of Washington chapter 47.50, the provisions of Washington administrative code chapters 468-51 and 468-52, as may be amended, are adopted by reference, with the following exceptions and standards:
1. Driveways accessing the state highway shall be located at least twenty five feet (25') from street intersections.
2. There shall be no more than one driveway per property accessing the state highway.
3. Wherever possible, access shall be from city side streets instead of the state highway. The reviewing authority may grant access to the state highway in addition to side street access if it is determined the size, type, and intensity of use as well as traffic volumes are such that multiple driveways are necessary.
4. Driveways accessing the state highway are also subject to the driveway width requirements contained in title 12, chapter 12, "Off Street Parking And Loading", of this code. (Ord. 848, 8-17-2009)