A.   Files Required; Contents: After a project permit application has been deemed complete according to section 11-2C-8 of this article, the community development director will begin compiling an official file on each project permit application received by the city. An official file contains the following:
      1.   The application materials submitted by the applicant;
      2.   Documentation of public notice;
      3.   The city's report, which summarizes the community development director's findings, conclusions, and recommendations involving a project permit application;
      4.   Any other staff reports prepared;
      5.   All written testimony received on the matter;
      6.   The electronic recording and minutes of any public hearing or review on the matter;
      7.   The recommendation of the planning commission on the permit or application, if applicable;
      8.   The decision of the reviewing authority;
      9.   Any other information relevant to the matter; and
      10.   Certification of publication of legal notices, a copy of the mailed notification of application, and the date of mailing.
   B.   Public Record: The official file is a public record. It is available for inspection and copying at city hall during regular business hours. Availability may be temporarily restricted during or prior to public hearings while staff is preparing for the hearing.
   C.   Retention Of Files: Official files will be kept in accordance with the provisions of Revised Code Of Washington chapter 40.14, the public records act. (Ord. 848, 8-17-2009)