The purposes of this title are to:
   A.   Establish regulatory procedures and standards for review and decision making of all proposed development in the city.
   B.   Foster and preserve public health, safety, comfort, and welfare, and to aid in the harmonious, orderly, aesthetically pleasing, and socially beneficial development of the city, in accordance with the comprehensive plan.
   C.   Adopt a development review process that is efficient, effective, and equitable.
   D.   Prohibit or condition incompatible land uses by regulating density and dimensional aspects of development.
   E.   Ensure that new development(s) install all private and public infrastructure necessary to serve the new development and protect environmentally sensitive areas.
   F.   Implement the comprehensive plan of the city.
   G.   Regulate the subdivision of land to ensure that:
      1.   Adequate utility and public facilities are provided in developing portions of the city;
      2.   Land development is coordinated; and
      3.   Uniform monumenting of land subdivisions and conveyance by accurate legal description is achieved.
   H.   Provide for a penalty for the violation of this title. (Ord. 848, 8-17-2009)