The city council finds that:
   A.   There are unsanitary and unsafe inhabited dwellings located within the corporate limits of the city and overall Pacific County;
   B.   There is a shortage of safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations available at rents affordable to persons of low to moderate income and to senior citizens throughout Pacific County;
   C.   Unsafe and unsanitary dwelling accommodations pose a threat to the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city and Pacific County;
   D.   Pacific County and the cities of Ilwaco, Long Beach, Raymond, and South Bend do not independently possess sufficient resources to rehabilitate unsafe and unsanitary dwelling accommodations; and
   E.   Participation in the joint Pacific County housing authority would promote the rehabilitation of unsafe and unsanitary housing, and promote efficiency and cooperation between Pacific County and within the cities of Ilwaco, Long Beach, Raymond, and South Bend. (Ord. 801, 7-6-2005, eff. 7-6-2005)