(A)   Due to the fact that it is necessary that certain claims be paid by the Town Clerk-Treasurer for and on behalf of the town prior to the monthly meeting of the Town Council which the necessary payments include biweekly payments to salaried employees of the town as well as utility payments, it is necessary that the Clerk-Treasurer is authorized by ordinance adopted and passed by the regularly elected Councilmembers to make such payments prior to the following monthly meeting of the Town Council.
   (B)   The Town Council is authorized to enact such an ordinance allowing the Clerk-Treasurer to pay claims for utility bills and the wages of salaried employees prior to the following monthly meeting of the Town Council according to the provisions of IC 5-11-10-1 and 36-1-3-1 through 36-1-3-9.
   (C)   The Clerk-Treasurer is authorized to pay claims and make payments for utility services and the regular wages of salaried employees according to the salary schedule of such employees as adopted by the Town Council through the adoption of its annual budget as the claims and payments shall become due, notwithstanding that the claims, at the time due, may not have been previously approved by the Town Council. All such claims paid and payments made shall then be submitted to the Town Council for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Town Council.
(Ord. 8207, passed 8-9-82)
   Compensation of officers and employees, see § 31.01