In order to facilitate legibility of information, traffic safety, and economic vitality, signs shall be of professional quality, designed in a manner compatible with the character and style of the buildings on which they are located, adjoining buildings and neighboring signs. Signs shall be structurally sound and located so as to pose no safety hazard.
   (a)   Style and Color. A sign shall be generally consistent throughout the particular building or block involved and the color of signs shall be compatible with the color of the building facade, and other existing signs. No more than four compatible colors may be used on any sign (including the sign face and base). (Excluding black & white). Color combinations that do not meet this requirement may apply for a variance through the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Lettering. The lettering on a sign shall be large enough to be easily and safely read from the normal visual location. However, the lettering shall not be overly large or out of scale with the building. An excessive amount of information that could create a potential safety hazard shall not be permitted.
   (c)   Materials. Signs shall be fabricated on and of materials of good quality, good weathering and durability and complimentary to their building. Outdoor signs and display structures, including the supporting structure and all parts, shall be of noncombustible material when required by the Building Code.
   (d)   Illumination.
      (1)   External. External illumination may be permitted when direct rays from external light sources to illuminate signs have adequate shielding to prevent these rays from shining around or underneath the signs or onto adjacent residential buildings and streets and shall not be of high intensity or brightness so as to cause glare hazardous to pedestrians or auto drivers or so as to cause reasonable objection from adjacent buildings. External illumination may be from the front or rear of the sign.
      (2)   Internal. Internal illumination may be permitted only on wall signs, pole signs, and ground mounted signs in Business Districts and Manufacturing Districts.
   (e)   Source of Illumination. Any illuminated sign or lighting device shall employ only light of constant intensity. No sign shall contain or be illuminated by a flashing or intermittent light. This subsection shall not exclude a bulletin board that scrolls or presents movement to change its message from time to time. The bulletin board shall not exceed the largest signage area otherwise permitted in the district. No illuminated sign or lighting device shall cause glare or reflection that may constitute a nuisance or traffic hazard.
   (f)   Relation to Traffic Devices. Signs visible from the sight lines along a street shall not contain an arrow or words such as “stop,” “go,” “slow,” and the like; and the movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination shall not resemble traffic-control signs or signals.
(Ord. 179-02. Passed 1-2-03; Ord. 177-13. Passed 9-19-13; Ord. 199-19. Passed 10-17-19.)