(a)   Form. The preliminary plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn. The size of the map shall be on one or more sheets twenty-four inches by thirty-six inches. The map of a subdivision containing six acres or less shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals fifty feet. All other subdivisions shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet, unless otherwise required by the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Map Contents. The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The proposed name of the subdivision. The name shall not duplicate or be the same in spelling or alike in pronunciation with any other recorded subdivision.
      (2)   The location by V. M. S. number, town, township, county and state.
      (3)   Names and addresses of the subdivider, owner, engineer and surveyor.
      (4)   The scale of the plan, north point and date.
      (5)   Boundaries of the subdivision indicated by a heavy line and the approximate acreage.
      (6)   The location, widths and names of existing or platted streets, railroad rights of way, easements, parks, permanent buildings and corporation lines.
      (7)   Names of adjacent subdivisions.
      (8)   Zoning districts, if any.
      (9)   Elevations, which are to be based on sea datum if available. Reference bench marks used shall be indicated. A contour map shall be provided with one-foot contour intervals, with acreages in individual watershed areas calculated to the nearest .1 acre. Existing subsurface tile systems shall also be shown, where known by existing records, with elevations, size and type of tile.
(Ord. 145-82. Passed 11-4-82.)
      (10)   Drainage channels, wooded areas, power transmission poles and lines, proposed sanitary sewers, storm drainage and water lines, street lighting poles, fixtures and lines, and any other significant items.
(Ord. 121-90. Passed 4-5-90.)
      (11)   Building setback lines with dimensions.
      (12)   The width of the building line, when lots are located on a curve or when side lot lines are at angles other than ninety degrees.
(Ord. 145-82. Passed 11-4-82.)
      (13)   Relevant watershed plans for watersheds contained within the subdivision.
      (14)   Bearings and distances on side lines of lots in proposed developments.
(Ord. 150-95. Passed 7-6-95.)
      (15)   A list of all property owners immediately adjacent and across the street from any lot line in the proposed subdivision.
(Ord. 198-01. Passed 12-6-01.)
   (c)   Supplementary Information. The preliminary plat shall contain the following supplementary information:
      (1)   A statement of the proposed use of lots, stating the type of residential buildings with the number of proposed dwelling units, and the type of business or industry, so as to reveal the effect of the development on traffic, fire hazards or congestion of population.
      (2)   Proposed covenants and restrictions.
      (3)   Evidence of a source of water supply.
      (4)   A statement outlining the method to be used and provisions to be made for sewage disposal, drainage and flood control.
      (5)   If any zoning changes are contemplated by the subdivider, an outline of the proposed zoning.
   After receiving notice of the approval of the preliminary plat and prior to the filing of the final plat, the subdivider shall present to the Commission typical sections and complete profiles of streets and sanitary sewer and storm sewer and other related improvements to be constructed in the proposed subdivisions. The Commission shall within five days after the filing of the above typical sections and complete profiles transmit copies of the same to the Safety-Service Director, or the County Engineer if the plat is located outside the corporate limits of the City, and the County Health Commissioner for study and final recommendations. The Commission, after receiving a report from the aforementioned officials, shall notify the subdivider of any recommended changes or suggestions so that the subdivider may prepare the final improvement plans and final plat.
(Ord. 145-82. Passed 11-4-82.)