(a)   The Safety Service Director is hereby authorized and directed to declare a water emergency at any time that there is insufficient or inadequate water supply or pressure to provide safe and adequate water within the City. Examples of situations which create such an emergency include, but are not limited to the following:
      (1)   A water main break;
      (2)   Any physical or mechanical failure at the Water Treatment Plant;
      (3)   Dry or drought conditions; or
      (4)   Restriction of water supply by state or federal authorities.
   (b)   The Safety Service Director may request a voluntary reduction of water usage, and may provide water saving tips on the City website.
   (c)   In the event that subsection (b) hereof does not alleviate the water emergency, the Safety Service Director may temporarily order an even/odd watering system.
      (1)   If the house or business number ends in an even number, the house or business may water on even numbered days of the month.
      (2)   If the house or business number ends in an odd number, the house or business may water on odd numbered days of the month.
      (3)   Shrubs and trees may be watered any day of the month.
   (d)   In the event that subsections (b) and (c) hereof do not alleviate the water emergency, the Safety Service Director may order the additional restrictions for nonessential uses of water, including, but not limited to:
      (1)   Watering lawns;
      (2)   The commercial and residential use of water to wash boats, cars, trucks and other vehicles;
      (3)   Filling swimming pools;
      (4)   Watering from hydrants;
      (5)   Washing sidewalks, driveways, porches and building exteriors;
      (6)   The sterilization, blowoff and testing of water lines and sewer mains;
      (7)   The burning of paper, trash, wood or other combustible material.
   (e)   Upon declaration of and during the existence of a water emergency, the Safety Service Director is hereby authorized and directed to determine which nonessential uses of water shall be restricted or prohibited. Such declaration shall be made public by posting electronic notice, and by giving notice to local media. The Safety Service Director is authorized and directed to establish rules and regulations regarding prohibited water usage, water restrictions, and for the reduction or termination of water service during any declared water emergency.
   (f)   No domestic or commercial user or any other person shall violate any emergency restriction or prohibition imposed pursuant to this section.
   (g)   Any person who shall violate a provision of this section shall be subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00).
(Ord. 152-22. Passed 8-4-22.)