As used in this chapter:
   (a)   "Person" means any individual, association, partnership or corporation, or the operator for or the agent of any such person, who sells to the public at retail, through or by means of such temporary stores, any goods, commodities or merchandise, except as herein provided.
   (b)   "Temporary store" means a store, storeroom, office or other place, opened and maintained for the sale to the public of goods, commodities, merchandise or services where the seller or owner of such goods, commodities or merchandise operates such store, storeroom, office or other place, for a period of less than 120 days. Any store which shall be opened, operated and maintained in the City shall prima-facie be presumed to be a temporary store within the meaning of this chapter, but such presumption may be overcome by evidence satisfactory to the Mayor that it is not a temporary store as defined in this chapter, in which case the Mayor shall not be required to either issue a license or take a bond in lieu of payment thereof.
(Ord. 636. Passed 11-25-32.)