Garage sales of personal property are prohibited in the Municipality, except under the following conditions:
   (a)   The owner or person in possession of the premises at which such garage sale is to be conducted shall first register with the City for a permit to hold a garage sale. Such registration shall be any time within a thirty-day period prior to the beginning of such sale. An application for such a permit shall be submitted to the Police and Fire Dispatcher office and must be approved by the Safety-Service Director prior to its issuance after a fee of five dollars ($5.00) is paid.
(Adopting Ordinance)
   (b)   The registration shall authorize such garage sale to be conducted for not more than three days at one location stated on the registration form.
   (c)   Not more than two such garage sales at the same location will be permitted in any one calendar year.
   (d)   Such garage sales are permitted for not more than three consecutive days between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and sunset.
   (e)   No signs advising the public of such sale may be posted, except on private property, and all signs must be removed within twenty-four hours after the termination of the sale.
   (f)   All items displayed for sale must be displayed on the premises at the location stated on the registration form.
(Ord. 145-86. Passed 9-4-86.)