(a)   On or before January 1, 1984, every owner of twenty-five or more rental housing units located in one or more buildings in the City shall file with the Fair Housing Board a written report providing the information required in paragraphs (b)(1) to (4) hereof for the three-month period beginning October 1, 1984. For each three-month period thereafter, such owner shall file with the Board, within thirty days after the end of the three-month period, an additional written report.
   (b)   Reports filed under this section shall be signed by the owner of the building or his or her authorized agent, shall be on a form to be supplied by the Board on request and shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The name and address of each building, the name and address of the owner, managing agent and resident custodian thereof, the total number of units in each building (excluding units rented or available for rent only to employees of the owner or managing agent), the approximate rental range for a one, two and three-bedroom apartment (if the building contains such a unit) and the number of units occupied on the last day of the three-month period by black and Spanish-surnamed persons.
      (2)   The total number of applicants for rental units in each building during the three-month period and the number of such applicants who were black and Spanish-surnamed persons. As used in this section, "applicant" means a person who personally appears before the owner or managing agent, whether at the building involved or at an office of the owner or managing agent, for the purpose of renting a unit, whether or not such person submits a written application.
      (3)   The total number of units in each building which were rented during such three-month period, and the number of such units which were rented to black and Spanish-surnamed persons. For purposes of this section, a unit is considered rented during such three-month period if, during the period, it becomes occupied by a new tenant who had not previously resided in the building.
      (4)   A request for voluntary information concerning minority employment practices of the owner or agent signing the report and concerning advertising by such owner or agent in media directed primarily to minority persons.
(Ord. 131-83. Passed 8-4-83.)