(a)   (1)   Loading zones shall be designated by Council upon application by any interested person. The application shall state the name and address of the applicant, the number and location of the parking spaces desired for the loading zone and such evidence as is necessary to show the need for such loading zone.
      (2)   Council, upon hearing the application, shall first determine the need, if any, for such loading zone and if it finds that there is a reasonable need, then Council shall further determine the number and location of the parking spaces to be included in the loading zone.
(Ord. 141-69. Passed 7-17-69.)
   (b)   (1)   Each applicant, having been granted a loading zone or zones, shall pay to the Clerk of Council or his or her designee an annual rental, as determined by Council, per parking space on or before January 10 of each and every year, except when the loading zone is first established. Rental fees on a newly established loading zone shall be based upon a rate, determined by Council, per parking space per month and shall be calculated upon the number of months remaining in the calendar year.
      (2)   If such annual rental fees are not paid in full by January 15 of any year, then the loading zone shall not be used as such and the Safety-Service Director is hereby authorized and directed to remove any and all signs designating the area as a loading zone. Any such loading zone shall not be used as such again until a formal application is filed with Council, as in the case of a new loading zone, and the application is approved by Council.