The following definitions shall apply only within the boundaries set for, and to the provisions of the Historic District.
   (a)   "Alteration" means any action to change (visual or material), modify, reconstruct, remove or demolish any exterior features of an existing structure or site designated as within the Historic District. For the purpose of this definition, ordinary maintenance to correct any deterioration, decay or damage to a structure or premises and to restore the structure as nearly as practicable, is excluded, provided that such work does not involve a change in type of building materials.
   (b)   "Applicant" means any person, persons, association, organization, partnership, unit of government, public body, or corporation who or which applies for a certificate of appropriateness in order to undertake any change to property within the District.
   (c)   "Appurtenance" means any structure or object subordinate to a principal structure or site located within the Historic District. Examples are bike racks, carriage houses, display signs, awnings, fences, garages, public artwork, statues, street furniture, and vending machines.
   (d)   "Architectural Character/Integrity" means the architectural style, general design, and general arrangement of the exterior of a building (facade) or other structure, including the type and texture of the light fixtures, signs, awnings, and other appurtenant fixtures. In the case of an outdoor advertising sign, "exterior features" means the style, material, size, and location of the sign.
   (e)   "Board" means the Historic District Review Board of the City of London.
   (f)   "Certificate of Appropriateness" means a certificate authorizing any change within the Historic District. This certificate is given to the applicant stating that the proposed construction, alteration, demolition, or architectural feature is appropriate and consistent with the architectural characteristics as set forth in the Historic District guidelines.
   (g)   "Change" means any alteration, construction, removal or demolition involving any property in the Historic District. This includes signs, awnings, and exterior repainting.
   (h)   "Characteristics" means the unique attributes or qualities of a property.
   (i)   "Construction" means the process of building, erecting, or placing a structure, appurtenance or object within the Historic District.
   (j)   "Demolition" means the process of razing or removing all or a substantial portion of a building, structure or appurtenance in the Historic District. Note: relocation denotes moving a structure or an appurtenance intact to another location.
   (k)   "Environmental change" means construction, material alteration, demolition or removal of any property.
   (l)   "Facade" means the face or front of a structure in any vertical surface adjacent to a public way.
   (m)   "Landscaping" means or includes only such major landscaping work that is to be on open tracts of land, parking lots, streets, alleys and other open areas, but not including the planting or arrangement of flowers and plants incidental to the enhancement of single properties.
   (n)   "Maintenance" means any ordinary maintenance or repair which does not require a building permit and does not constitute alteration as defined above and whose purpose is to correct decay, deterioration, or damage to an architectural feature and restore it to its condition prior to such deterioration, decay, or damage.
   (o)   "Owner" means owner or owners of record.
   (p)   "Preserve" or "preservation" means the process, including maintenance, of treating an existing building to arrest or slow future deterioration, stabilize the structure and provide structural safety without changing or adversely affecting the character or appearance of the structure.
   (q)   "Rehabilitation" means the act or process of returning a building, object, site, or structure to a state of utility through repair, remodeling, or alteration while preserving the features that are significant to its historical, architectural, and cultural values.
   (r)   "Relocation" means any change in the location of a structure or object from one setting to another.
   (s)   "Restoration" means the act or process of accurately recovering the form and details of a building, object, site, or structure and its setting as it appeared at a particular period of time by means of the removal of later work or by the replacement of missing earlier work.
   (t)   "Site" means any significant historical, archaeological, or architectural property without a principal structure, such as the location of prehistoric or historic activity, or a significant event. A site may also include a property of significant landscape design.
   (u)   "Structure" means a building, object, monument, work of art, or work of engineering permanently affixed to the land. Also, any combination of a material that is functional, aesthetic, cultural, historical, or of scientific value that may be, by nature or design, movable, yet related to a specific setting or environment. This also includes any combination of materials to form a construction that is safe and stable.
(Ord. 192-97. Passed 9-4-97.)