Signs, as permitted, shall be located and sized according to the standards set forth in this section and the individual Zoning Districts.
   (a)   Location.
      (1)   Corner lots. No sign shall be allowed on a lot within a triangle formed between points on the front and side street right-of-way lines within thirty feet from their intersection.
      (2)   Signs over pedestrian or vehicular ways. The lowest member of these signs shall not be less than ten feet above the finished grade of a pedestrian way. If located over a pavement used for traffic, the signs shall not be less than sixteen feet above the finished pavement and at least one foot away from the vertical projection of the edge of the pavement.
      (3)   Relation to traffic devices. Signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct sight lines of pedestrians or motorists along any public way, from traffic-control devices, street name signs at intersections, or signals at railroad grade crossings.
      (4)   Relation to openings. Signs shall not project over or obstruct the required window or doors of any building, fire escape or interfere with other safety provisions.
      (5)   Public land. No signs shall be located or project into public lands except for municipal and governmental signs.
      (6)   Street right-of-way. No signs shall be located or projected into the right- of-way except for portable signs and sandwich board signs not exceeding five feet tall and three feet wide.
      (7)   Distance from intersection. No signs shall be within thirty feet from an intersection, except portable signs and sandwich board signs not exceeding five feet tall and three feet wide. Portable signs/sandwich board signs shall not be within ten feet from an intersection.
   (b)   Dimension Limitations.
      (1)   Ground sign. Sign height shall not exceed six feet in Manufacturing Districts and five feet in all other districts including a supporting base from the average ground level except as otherwise specifically permitted in this chapter. Architectural elements approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals may exceed these height limitations by one foot.
      (2)   Wall or panel signs. These signs shall not project more than two feet from the building wall to which it is attached and shall not project above building wall.
      (3)   Pole signs. These signs shall not exceed twenty-five feet high and ten feet wide, with a face of ten feet wide and eight feet high. A pole sign may include a secondary sign not to exceed seven feet wide and four feet high, with two faces, that may be LED lighted and may have scrolling images.
(Ord. 179-02. Passed 1-2-03; Ord. 199-19. Passed 10-17-19.)