(a)   In addition to the setback and yard requirements of this Zoning Code, screening or buffering (as described below) shall be provided for the lot of any nonresidential use that abuts any Residential District. The screening plan shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator for modification and/or approval.
   (b)   The following provisions shall apply with respect to screening:
      (1)   Screening shall be provided for one or more of the following purposes, as determined by the Zoning Administrator:
         A.   A visual barrier to partially or completely obstruct the view of structures and/or activities.
         B.   An acoustic screen to aid in absorbing and/or deflecting noise.
         C.   A physical barrier to contain debris and/or litter.
      (2)   Screening shall consist of one or more of the following, as determined by the Zoning Administrator:
         A.   A solid masonry wall.
         B.   A solid wood fence.
         C.   An open fence (wood, galvanized wire, etc.).
         D.   A dense vegetative planting.
         E.   A landscaped mounding.
      (3)   The nature of the screening shall be in accordance with the following:
         A.   There shall be no screening higher than thirty inches in a required front yard.
         B.   Man-made screens shall be between seven and eight feet high.
         C.   Vegetative plantings shall be at least five feet high at planting, not less than seven feet high within two years and maintained.
      (4)   Screening for purposes of absorbing and/or deflecting noise shall be between seven and eight feet high and shall have a depth of at least ten feet (if dense vegetation), or be a combination of a solid wall (masonry or preservative-treated wood) and decorative plantings. The height shall be adequate to absorb and/or deflect noise in relation to the nature of the use, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
      (5)   Whenever required screening is adjacent to parking areas or driveways, such screening shall be protected by bumper blocks, posts and/or curbing to avoid damage to the screening by vehicles.
      (6)   All screening shall be trimmed, maintained in good condition and free of advertising or other signs, except for directional signs and other signs necessary for the efficient flow of vehicles.
(Ord. 186-91. Passed 10-15-92.)