When a district boundary is not specifically indicated on the Official Zoning Map, the zoning district boundary shall be the item indicated below that is closest to and most parallel to the Official Zoning Map boundary. Where two or more items listed below are equidistant from, and equally parallel to, the Official Zoning Map boundary, the item listed first below shall control:
   (a)   The centerline of a thoroughfare, highway, street or other road surface.
   (b)   The centerline of a thoroughfare, highway, street or other road right of way.
   (c)   A lot line.
   (d)   The corporate limits of the City.
   (e)   The Township line of an Ohio unit of government.
   (f)   A Virginia Military Survey line.
   (g)   A township or range line.
   (h)   The centerline of a railroad line.
   (i)   The centerline of a railroad right of way.
   (j)   The centerline of a river, stream or other waterway.
   (k)   The centerline of a lake, pond or other body of water.
   Whenever any street, alley or other public way is vacated by official Council action, the zoning district adjoining each side of such street, alley or public way shall automatically be extended to the center of such vacation, and all areas within that vacation shall, thereafter, be subject to all regulations appropriate to the respective extended districts.
   In the event of a partial vacation, the zoning district adjoining such partial vacation, or the district nearest the portion vacated, shall automatically be extended to include all areas within that vacation, and all such areas shall, thereafter, be subject to all regulations appropriate to the extended district.
   All questions and disputes concerning the exact location of zoning district boundaries shall be resolved by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(Ord. 186-91. Passed 10-15-92.)