As used in this chapter:
   (1)   “Beneficial use” means a use of the waters of the State that may be protected against quality degradation, including, but not limited to, domestic, municipal, agricultural and industrial supply, power generation, recreation, aesthetic enjoyment, navigation and the preservation and enhancement of fish, wildlife and other aquatic resources or reserves, and other uses, both tangible or intangible, as specified by Federal or State law.
   (2)   “Board” means the Board of Public Utilities of the City.
   (3)   “Building drain” means that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from oil, waste and other drainage pipes inside the walls of a building and conveys it to the building sewer. The building drain shall extend to three feet outside the building wall.
   (4)   “Building sewer” means the extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal.
(Ord. 140-76. Passed 8-5-76.)
   (5)   “Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD5)” means oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter in five days at twenty degrees Celsius, with nitrification inhibition, expressed in milligrams per liter. The values shall be as determined in Test No. 5210 -(5 calculation) of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater. Eighteenth Edition.
   (6)   “Chemical oxygen demand (COD)” means the oxygen equivalent of that portion of the organic matter that is susceptible to oxidation by a strong chemical oxidant. The values shall be as determined in Test Number 5220 of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, Eighteenth Edition.
   (7)   “City” means the City of London, Ohio.
   (8)   “Clean waste waters” means those liquid wastes which meet the criteria established by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for effluents discharged to the particular watercourses receiving the discharge.
   (9)   “Combined sewage” means a combination of sanitary sewage and surface or storm water, with or without industrial wastes.
   (10)   “Combined sewers” means public sewers designed to receive combined sewage.
   (11)   “Compatible pollutant” means biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, phosphorus, pH and fecal coliform bacteria, plus additional pollutants identified in the NPDES permit if the publicly owner treatment works was designed to treat such pollutants and, in fact, does remove such pollutants to a substantial degree.
   (12)   “Contamination” means an impairment of the quality of the waters of the State by waste to a degree which creates a hazard to the public health through poisoning or through the spread of disease. “Contamination” shall include any equivalent effect resulting from the disposal of wastewater, whether or not waters of the State are affected.
   (13)   “Control Manhole” means a structure that is accessible for the purpose of observing measuring and sampling the wastewater flow in a building sewer. A control manhole may be used for inspecting and/or maintaining the building sewer.
   (14)   “Cooling water” means the water discharged from any system of condensation, air conditioning, cooling, refrigeration, etc. It shall be free from odor and oil and shall contain no polluting substances. Cooling water shall be considered industrial wastewater if it is discharged to the sanitary sewer system.
   (15)   “ Director of Wastewater” means the Superintendent.
   (16)   “Discharge” means sanitary sewage leaving the premises.
(Ord. 140-76. Passed 8-5-76.)
   (17)   “Effluent” means wastewater, water or other liquid, after some degree of treatment, flowing out of any treatment device or facilities.
   (18)   “Facilities planning area (service area)” means the area which has been delineated by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for sanitary sewer service and which is shown and fully described in the London Regional Facilities Plan.
   (19)   “Federal Act” means the Clean Water Act of 1977, Public Law 95-217 (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.).
(Ord. 134-87. Passed 9-3-87.)
   (20)   “Floatable Oil” means oil, fat or grease in a physical state such that it will separate by gravity from wastewater by treatment with an approved pretreatment facility.
   (21)   “Garbage” means solid wastes from the domestic and commercial preparation, cooking and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage and sale of produce.
   (22)   “Grease and oil” means any material which is extractable from an acidified sample of a wastewater by hexane or other designated solvent.
   (23)   “Holding tank waste” means any waste from holding tanks such as vessels, chemical toilets, campers, trailers, septic tanks and vacuum pump tank trucks.
   (24)   “Incompatible pollutant” means any pollutant which is not a compatible pollutant as defined in this section.
   (25)   “Industrial plant” means any facility which discharges industrial wastes. Associated service industries shall be considered industrial plants if they discharge industrial wastes.
   (26)   “Industrial wastes” or “ process wastewater” means the liquid wastes from industrial manufacturing processes, trade or business, or from the development, recovery or processing of natural resources, as distinct from sanitary sewage.
   (27)   “Major Contributing Industry” means an industrial user of the publicly owned treatment works that:
      A.   Has a flow of 25,000 gallons or more per average work day;
      B.   Has a flow greater than five percent of the flow carried by the municipal system receiving the waste.
      C.   Has in its waste toxic pollutant in toxic amounts, as defined in the standards issued under Section 307(a) of the Federal Act; or
      D.   Is found by the permit issuance authority, in connection with the issuance of an NPDES permit to the publicly owned treatment works receiving the waste, to have a significant impact, either singly or in combination with other contributing industries, on the treatment works or upon the quality of effluent from the treatment works.
   (28)   “Mass emission rate” means the weight of material discharged to the sewer system during a given time interval. Unless otherwise specified, the mass emission rate shall mean pounds per day of a particular constituent or combination of constituents.
   (29)   “Mg/l” means milligrams per liter.
   (30)   “Natural outlet” means any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface or ground water. (Ord. 140-76. Passed 8-5-76.)
   (31)   “Normal sewage” means sewage having an average concentration of not more than the following:
         Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand       250 mg/l
         Suspended solids                250 mg/l
         Total phosphorus, as P             10 mg/l
         Ammonia nitrogen, as N             20 mg/l
         Oil & Grease                   200 mg/l
   (32)   “NPDES” means National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
   (33)   “Nuisance” means anything which is injurious to health or is indecent or offensive to the senses or an obstruction to the free use of property so as to interfere with the comfort or enjoyment of life or property or which affects at the same time an entire community or neighborhood or any considerable number of persons, although extent of the annoyance or damage inflicted upon individuals may be unequal.
   (34)   “OEPA” means the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
   (35)   “Person” means any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation, group or government authority. “Government authority” shall include the State, its political subdivisions and the United States of America.
   (36)   “pH” means the logarithm (base 10) of the reciprocal of the concentration of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution.
(Ord. 140-76. Passed 8-5-76.)
   (37)   “Pollution” means an alteration of the quality of the waters of the State by waste to a degree which adversely affects such waters for beneficial uses. “Pollution” may include contamination.
(Ord. 205-00. Passed 12-7-00.)
   (38) “PPM” means parts per million by weight or milligrams per liter.
   (39)   “Premises” means a parcel of real estate, including any improvements thereon, which is determined by the Board to be a single user for purposes of receiving, using and paying for sewer service.
   (40)   “Pretreatment” means the treatment of the wastewater from sources before introduction into publicly owner wastewater treatment facilities.
   (41)   “Private sewer” means a sewer not owned by the City or other public agency.
   (42)   “Properly shredded garbage” means the wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food that has been shredded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no particle greater than one-half inch in any dimension.
   (43)   “Public authority” means any governmental agency having jurisdiction.
   (44)   “Public sewer” means a sewer owned and operated by the City or other public agency.
   (45)   “Sanitary sewage” means sewage containing a combination of water-carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial establishments contributed by reason of human occupancy.
   (46)   “Sanitary sewer” means a sewer which carries sanitary sewage and industrial wastes and to which storm, surface and ground waters are not intentionally admitted.
   (47)   “Sewage” or “wastewater” means a combination of the liquid and water-carried wastes from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions, together with any ground water, surface water and storm water that may be present.
   (48)   “Sewer system” means all facilities for collection, pumping and transporting sewage to the treatment facilities.
   (49)   “Sewers” means any pipe or conduit for conveying sewage.
   (50)   “Shall” is mandatory; “may” is permissive.
   (51)   “Significant contributing industry” means an industrial user which contributes greater than ten percent of the design flow, or design pollutant loading of the treatment works.
   (52)   “Slug” means any discharge of water or wastewater which, in concentration of any given constituent or in quantity of flow, exceeds, for any period of duration longer than fifteen minutes, more than five times the average twenty-four hour concentration or flows during normal operation, and which adversely affects the collection system and/or performance of the wastewater treatment facilities
   (53)   “Standard Methods” mean the laboratory procedures set forth in the latest edition, at the time of analysis, of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, prepared and published jointly by the American Public Health Association, The American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation.
   (54)   “Standard Industrial Classification” means a classification of users based on the 1972 Standard Industrial Classification Manual (SIC), Bureau of the Budget of the United States of America.
   (55)   “Storm sewer” or “storm drain” means a sewer which carries storm waters, surface waters and drainage, but which excludes sanitary sewage and industrial wastes, other than unpolluted cooling water.
(Ord. 140-76. Passed 8-5-76.)
   (56)   “Suspended solids” means solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in, water, sewage or other liquids, and which are removable by laboratory filtering, expressed in milligrams per liter. The values shall be as determined in Test Number 2540 D of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Eighteenth Edition.
   (57)   “Total solids” means solids that remain after all liquid has been evaporated, expressed in milligrams per liter. The values shall be as determined in Test Number 2540B of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Eighteenth Edition.
   (58)   “Toxic pollutant” means any pollutant or combination of pollutants which interferes with the proper operation of the treatment plant.
   (59)   “Treatment works” means all facilities for collecting, pumping, transporting, treating and disposing of sewage.
   (60)   “Unpolluted water” means water to which no constituent has been added, either intentionally or accidentally.
   (61)   “User” means any person that discharges or causes or permits the discharge of wastewater into a public sewer.
   (62)   “User classification” means the division of users into domestic, commercial and industrial classifications.
   (63)   “Waste” means sewage and any and all other waste substances, liquid, solid, gaseous or radioactive, associated with human habitation, or of human or animal origin, or from any producing, manufacturing or processing operation of whatever nature, including such waste placed with containers of whatever nature prior to, and for purposes of, disposal.
   (64)   “Wastewater constituents and characteristics” means the individual, chemical, physical, bacteriological and radiological parameters, including volume and flow rate and such other parameters that serve to define, classify or measure the contents, quality, quantity and strength of wastewater.
   (65)   “Wastewater treatment plant” means any arrangement of devices and structures used for treating sewage.
   (66)   “Waters of the State” means any water, surface or underground, including saline waters, within the boundaries of the State.
   (67)   “Waterway” or “watercourse” means a channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently.
(Ord. 140-76. Passed 8-5-76.)
   (68)   “USEPA” means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
(Ord. 140-76. Passed 8-5-76; Ord. 178-06. Passed 1-4-07; Ord. 182-08. Passed 11-6-08.)