Taking into account certain additional services which, to be successful, necessarily would have to cross the corporate lines of many municipalities, considering these services to be in the public interest and not wanting to curtail their development, the following services are specifically exempted from licensing requirements and excluded from fee payments to the City, so long as such services are offered by an operator holding a permit under an ordinance:
   (a)   Services created primarily for area hotels and motels, and utilized as a promotional-informational vehicle for Greater Columbus, reaching only guests in participating hotels and motels.
   (b)   Services created for special and/or occasional closed circuit presentations, not for the viewing and/or listening of the general public. This particular exclusion/exemption is not applicable to any regular, continuing service or services which the operator may offer pursuant to Section 820.50.
   (c)   Services created for nonprofit organizations.
   The exemptions and exclusions detailed herein shall apply to both organizations by the operator and to signals merely retransmitted and/or distributed by the operator.
(Ord. 123-76. Passed 6-17-76.)