§ 118.09 MINORS.
   No owner or keeper of a mechanical amusement device operation or owner or keeper of a mechanical amusement machine at any other public place shall permit, on days when school is in session, a minor 12 years of age or younger to operate the machinery or be and remain in those public places, before 4:00 P.M. Any minor 12 years of age or younger who operates the machinery, whether on days when school is in session (after 4:00 P.M.) or on days when school is not in session (anytime), shall be under the supervision and control of an adult person on the premises. This section shall not apply to juke boxes, mechanical musical instruments, or mechanical amusement devices designed to be ridden, such as mechanical horses, automobiles and carousels.
(Ord. 15-1980, passed 4-22-80) Penalty, see § l18.99.