(A) Whenever an alarm is activated, requiring an emergency response to the location by the Fire Department or the Police Department, the officer in charge at the location of the alarm shall inspect the areas protected by the system and shall determine whether the emergency response was in fact required as indicated by the alarm system.
(B) If the inspecting officer in charge at the location determines that the signal is false, the officer in charge shall make a report of the false alarm to the Police Alarm Administrator.
(C) The Police Alarm Administrator, after receiving a report of a false alarm, shall notify the alarm user, that a false alarm report was received. The notification shall include:
(1) The date and time of the false alarm report;
(2) The number of false alarms received in the present calendar year;
(3) A copy of § 100.21 and;
(4) A copy of § 100.22.
(D) The notification set forth in division (C) of this section, shall be mailed to the address of the alarm user as set forth in the permit by ordinary mail, if four or less false alarms in the calendar year have occurred at the address of the alarm system. Upon the fifth false alarm in any calendar year and all false alarm reports thereafter, the Police Alarm Administrator shall notify the alarm user, by certified mail or personal service at the address of the alarm system.
(Ord. 45-2001, passed 7-24-01)