Village Property
92.01 Definitions
92.02 Maintenance and control
92.03 Permitted use of public street space
92.04 Poles, wires and pipe lines
92.05 Prohibited obstructions
92.06 Trees in sidewalk space
92.07 Overhanging branches
92.08 Cutting into paving, curb or sidewalk
92.09 Sale and conveyance of property
92.10 Weeds
92.25 Requirement to keep clean
92.26 Construction at owner’s initiative
Streets and Alleys
92.40 Opening, widening, improving or vacating
92.41 Construction assessments
92.42 Names and numbers
92.43 Excavation
92.44 Driving stakes
92.45 Mixing concrete
92.46 Harmful liquids
92.99 Penalty