§ 75.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Fines. Violation of any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine of not less than $1,000 for each separate offense.
   (B)   Impoundment. In addition to the imposition of a fine, an unlicensed off-road motor vehicle shall be subject to towing and impoundment for unpaid fines for prior violation(s), or for the third offense within the calendar year. The impounded, unlicensed off-road vehicle or the unlicensed off-road vehicle towed for violation of § 75.02(A)(3) shall be released upon payment of all outstanding unpaid fines related to its use, or upon the offender’s payment of $1,000, whichever is greater.
   (C)   Unclaimed impounded vehicle. Any impounded, unlicensed off-road motor vehicle that has not been claimed by the operator or the owner within 30 days of its impoundment shall be deemed as abandoned and unclaimed.
(Ord. 21-025, passed 10-6-21)