(A)   No development, except single-family, attached and detached development for which bicycle parking is not required, shall have fewer than three bicycle parking spaces. No development shall be required to exceed a maximum of ten such spaces.
   (B)   All nonresidential developments that provide automobile parking facilities shall provide bicycle parking facilities (bike racks) at a ratio of at least one bicycle parking space for every ten automobile parking spaces.
   (C)   Multi-family developments shall provide interior bicycle parking facilities for building residents at a ratio of at least one bicycle parking space for every three dwelling units. The bicycle parking facilities must be provided near the building entrance accessible to the street. Multi-family developments shall also provide bicycle parking facilities for visitors and/or the public at a ratio of at least one bicycle parking space for every 20 automobile parking spaces provided.   
   (D)   Bicycle parking facilities for nonresidential developments and bicycle parking facilities provided for visitors and/or the public shall be located a maximum distance of 50 feet from the building entrance, or shall be located at least as close as the closest automobile space.     
   (E)   Each bicycle parking facility shall be securely anchored to the ground and designed to secure the bicycle frame when used in conjunction with a user-supplied lock.
(Ord. 21-016, passed 8-18-21)