Planned development shall be authorized based on the standards specified in § 156.142(E)(6). To further define those standards and convey in more detail the city's expectations for planned development, the guidelines below present city development goals.
   (A)   The proposed development will not injure or damage the use, value and enjoyment of surrounding property, nor hinder or prevent the development of surrounding property in accordance with the comprehensive land use plan of the city.
   (B)   The proposed development can be substantially completed within the period of time specified in the schedule of development submitted by the applicant.
   (C)   The entire tract or parcel of land to be occupied by the proposed development shall be held in a single ownership, or if there are two or more owners, the application for the proposed development shall be filed jointly by all the owners.
   (D)   The development plan shall contain the proposed covenants, easements and other provisions relating to the bulk and location of buildings, uses and structures and public facilities as are necessary for the welfare of the planned development, and are not inconsistent with the best interest of the city. The covenants, easements and other provisions, if part of the development as finally approved, may be modified, removed or released only with the consent of the City Council, after a public hearing before, and recommendation by, the Plan and Zoning Commission as provided in this subchapter.
   (E)   Sanitary sewers, storm sewers and water supply to service the development are adequate to serve the proposed development, and will not reduce existing capacity below that necessary to serve existing developments, or overload local facilities beyond design capacity.
   (F)   The location and arrangement of structures, parking areas, walks, lighting and appurtenant facilities is compatible with the surrounding land uses, and any part of a proposed development not used for structures, parking and loading areas, or accessways, is landscaped or otherwise improved.
   (G)   The project area is adaptable to unified development, and shall have within or through the area no physical features that will tend to destroy the neighborhood or community cohesiveness.
   (H)   The uses proposed in the development are necessary or desirable, and the need for the uses is clearly demonstrated by the applicant.
   (I)   Any modifications of the zoning or other regulations that would otherwise be applicable to the site are warranted by the design of the development plan.
   (J)   All proposed streets and driveways are adequate to serve the residents, occupants, visitors or other anticipated traffic of the planned development, as assured by:
      (1)   Entrance points or locations of streets and driveways to previously-existing public roadways shall be subject to approval by the city;
      (2)   Traffic controls on public roadways within or adjacent to the development will be provided by the city, as and where determined necessary by the City Council. The City Council may require, as a condition of approving a proposed planned development, that the cost of installing the traffic controls be borne by the applicant;
      (3)   The installation of traffic control devices shall be done in accordance with installation schedules and standards as ordinarily applied on all public streets;
      (4)   If traffic control devices are required to prevent or relieve hazards or congestion on adjacent streets, and the proposed control device is not within the normal or scheduled sequence of installations, the devices may be provided by the developer upon permission by the City Council.
(Ord. 21-016, passed 8-18-21)