Chapter 1 - Scope and Administration
SECTION R101 General
R101.1 Title. Amend as follows. These provisions shall be known as the Residential Code for One- and Two-family Dwellings of the City of Lockport, and shall be cited as such and will be referred to herein as "this code."
R102.5 Appendices. Amend as follows. The following appendices are hereby adopted in their entirety: Appendix A - Sizing And Capacities Of Gas Piping, Appendix B- Sizing Of Venting Systems Serving Appliances Equipped With Draft Hoods, Category I Appliances, And Appliances Listed For Use with Type B Vents, Appendix C- Exit Terminals Of Mechanical Draft And Direct-Vent Venting Systems, Appendix D-Recommended Procedure For Safety inspection Of An Existing Appliance Installation.
R1Q3.1 Creation of enforcement agency. Amended as follows: The Building Department is hereby created and the official in charge thereof shall be known as the Building Official.
SECTION R105 Permits
R105.2 Work exempt from permit. Delete.
   1.   One-story detached accessory structures provided that the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet (18.58m2).
   2.   Fences not over 7 feet (2134 mm) high.
   3.   Retaining walls that are not over 4 feet (1219 mm) in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge.
   4.   Sidewalks and driveways.
   5.   Prefabricated swimming pools that are less than 24 inches (610 mm) deep.
   6.   Decks not exceeding 200 square feet (18.58 m2) in area, that are not more than 30 inches (762 mm) above grade at any point, are not attached to a dwelling do not serve the exit door required by Section R311.4.
R108.6 Work commencing before permit issuance. Amend as follows: Any person who commences any work on a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to double the permit fee cost, if and when issued.
SECTION R112 Board of Appeals
R112 Board of Appeals. General. Amend as follows: In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Official or their designee relative to the application and interpretation of this code, the International Code Council Board of Appeals shall act as the board of appeals. The Building Official or their designee shall be an ex-officio member of said board, but shall have no vote on any matter before the board. The International Code Council Board of Appeals shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business and shall render decisions and findings in writing to the appellant with a duplicate copy to the Building Official or their designee.
R112.3 Qualifications. Delete in its entirety.
R112.4 Administration. Amend as follows: The Building Official shall take immediate action in accordance with the decision of the board.
SECTION R115 Construction Site Requirements.
ADD. R115 Construction Site Requirements.
ADD. R115.1 - General. All construction sites shall have the following required facilities and amenities:
   1.   All Construction sites and lots shall be identified as follows:
      a.   With the correct approved address and lot number as assigned.
      b.   Numbers shall be a minimum of 6" high, contrast with their background and shall be Arabic numerals.
      c.   Numbers shall be shown on a clearly legible sign of adequate size.
      d.   Sign shall be affixed firmly at the entry point of the specific site or lot facing the public R.O.W.
      e.   Once a front wall has been erected, the numerical address shall be applied to the front of the structure.
      Note: If the correct address and lot number is not in place, scheduled inspections will not be performed and re-inspection fees can be imposed.
   2.   All developers, contractors, service providers and others shall be restricted to parking their vehicles on the non-hydrant side of the roadway within new developments.
   3.   All permit holders or property owners conducting work within the City limits shall keep all roadways, sidewalks or bike paths, etc. free from debris, dirt and mud from their projects at all times. Provisions shall be made to abate the problem immediately or a citation will be issued. The permit holder or property owner will be responsible for the cleanup of debris, dirt and mud created by any contractor or utility company working within the boundaries of the permitted project. When, in the opinion of the Building Official or the Public Works Director the abatement of such conditions are not conducted in an expeditious manner, a stop work order will be issued to the permit holder and cleanup will be conducted by Public Works at the rate of $300.00 per hour or any increment thereof, per man and/or piece of equipment utilized. Citations may be issued for each day a violation remains unmitigated.
   4.   At all new construction sites, designated areas for driveways shall be graveled from the back of curb or end of the paved right of way surface to the garage entry or edge of a building at all times during construction. Prior to occupancy, driveway surfaces shall be constructed in accordance with City requirements.
   5.   Portable toilet facilities will be provided at all construction sites within one hundred (100) feet of the building being constructed. Portable toilets will be allowed on any lot after a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued.
Chapter 3 - Building Planning
   Insert the following information:   
Ground Snow Load
30 psf
Wind Speed
115 mph
Topographic Effects
Special Wind Region
Wind-Borne Debris Zone
Seismic Design Category
Frost line Depth
42 inches
Moderate to Heavy
Winter Design Temp.
Ice Barrier Underlayment Required
Flood Hazards
Chapter 151 of the Lockport Code of Ordinances pertaining to Flood Hazard Areas
FEMA Map dated December 20, 2018
Air Freezing Index
Mean Annual Temp.
SECTION R309 Garages And Carports
R309.1 Floor Surface. Amend as follows. Garage floor surfaces shall be constructed of concrete a minimum of 4" in thickness, either fiber or welded wire mesh reinforcement is required for all garage floors.
   The area of floor used for parking of automobiles or other vehicles shall be sloped to facilitate the movement of liquids to a drain or toward the main vehicle entry doorway.
Add Section R309.1.1 Floating Slab. Single story detached accessory garages shall be allowed to be constructed on a floating mat foundation with a minimum edge thickness of 12" x 12" with a minimum concrete slab thickness of 4" inches with 6x6 W.W.F. installed at the midpoint of the slab thickness (or approved equal). Detached accessory garages more than a single story will require a trench or spread footing extending to the frost line.
R309.5 Fire Sprinklers. Add:
   Exception: Fire sprinklers shall not be required in the garage of detached single-family structures.
SECTION R313 Automatic Fire
Sprinkler Systems
R313.1.1 Design and installation. Amend as follows: Automatic residential fire sprinkler systems for townhouses shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA13D.
R313.2 Two-family dwellings, automatic fire systems. Amend. All two family attached dwellings shall be equipped with a residential automatic fire sprinkler system.
   Exception: An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required for additions or alterations to existing two-family buildings that are not already provided with an automatic residential sprinkler system.
R313.2.1 Design and installation. Amend as follows: Automatic residential fire sprinkler systems for two-family dwellings shall be designed and installed In accordance with NFPA13D.
SECTION R315 Carbon Monoxide Alarms
R315.1 General. Amend as follows: Carbon monoxide alarms shall comply with Section R315 and Illinois Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detector Act - 2007 Edition - ILCS Ch. 425, Act 135. if a conflict occurs between these two requirements, the more stringent rule shall apply.
SECTION R316 Foam Plastic
R316.4 Thermal barrier. Amend as follows: Foam plastic shall be separated from the building interior by minimum 5/8 inch thick type X gypsum board or equivalent to be accepted by the Building Official. Seams and screw heads will be fire taped and all edges, gaps and penetrations will be protected with an approved fire stopping compound.
R316.5.3 Attics. Amend as follows: The thermal barrier specified in section R316.4 is required in all attic spaces containing exposed foam plastic products.
R316.5.4 Crawl Spaces. Amend as follows: The thermal barrier specified in section R316.4 is required in all crawl spaces containing exposed foam plastic products.
R402.1 Wood Foundations. Delete in its entirety.
R402.1.1 Fasteners. Delete in its entirety.
R402.1.2 Wood treatment. Delete in its entirety.
R402.2 - Concrete. Amend as follows. Concrete shall have a minimum specified compressive strength of f 'c, as shown in Table R402.2. Concrete subject to moderate or severe weathering as indicated in Table R301.2 (1) shall be air entrained as specified in Table
R402.2. The maximum weight of fly ash, other pozzolans, silica fume, slag or blended cements that is included in concrete mixtures for garage floor slabs and for exterior porches, carport slabs and steps that will be exposed to deicing chemicals shall not exceed the percentages of the total weight of cementitious materials specified in Section of ACI 318. Materials used to produce concrete and testing thereof shall comply with the applicable standards listed in Chapters 19 and 20 of ACI 318 or ACI 332.
During periods of cold weather, ail concrete construction exposed to temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit at any time during the first 72 hours after placement will be protected as required in ACI 306R-16. No concrete will be placed at temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit unless the construction is covered in its entirety and heated per ACI 306R-16.
R403.1 Footings. Amend as follows: All exterior walls shall be supported on continuous concrete footings, or other approved structural systems of sufficient structural design to accommodate all loads in accordance with R301, and to transmit the resulting loads to the soil within the limitations as determined from the character of the soil. Footings shall be supported on undisturbed soil, or engineered fill. No concrete footing may be placed without first submitting a soils report to the Building Department unless otherwise allowed by the Building Official.
R404.1 Concrete Foundation Walls. Amend as follows: All concrete foundation walls, including trench foundation walls, shall have a minimum of 2 continuous #4 re-bars placed within 1 foot of the top of the wail. Splices shall not occur within 18 inches of any corner, and shall have a minimum of 2- #5 re-bars installed over the tops of all openings in the foundation wall. These re-bars shall extend 3 feet beyond the finished opening in each direction.
Concrete foundation walls shall be selected and constructed in accordance with the provisions of Section R404.1.3.
R404.2 Wood foundation walls. Delete in its entirety.
R404.2.1 identification. Delete in its entirety.
R404.2.2 Stud size. Delete in its entirety.
R404.2.3 Height of backfill. Delete in its entirety.
R404.2.4 Backfilling. Delete in Its entirety.
R404.2.5 Drainage and dampproofing. Delete in its entirety.
R404.2.6 Fastening. Delete in its entirety.
R404.3 Wood Sill Plates. Amend as follows: Wood sill plates shall be not less than 2-inch by 4-inch (51 mm by 102 mm) nominal lumber. Sill plate anchorage shall be in accordance with Sections R403.1.6 and R602.11. All plates shall be sealed to the foundation with an approved sill sealer and interior caulk at the floor lines.
R405.1 Concrete foundations. Amend as follows. Drains shall be provided around the entire perimeter of all concrete that retain earth and enclose habitable spaces located below grade. Drainage tiles, perforated pipe or other approved systems or materials shall be a minimum of 4" in diameter, installed at or below the area to be protected and shall discharge by gravity or mechanical means into an approved drainage system. The tops of any open joints in drain tiles shall be protected in strips of building paper or other approved product, and the drainage tiles or perforated pipe shall be placed on a minimum of 2" of washed gravel or crushed stone that is at least 1 sieve size larger than the tile joint opening or perforation and covered with at least 6" of the same material. All connections or intersections of pipe shall be made with manufactured fittings. All upright window well drain pipes shall be rigid and connected to perimeter drain tile.
R405.1 Exception. Delete in its entirety.
ADD. R405.1.2 Dedicated Circuit for Sumps and Ejectors. A separate dedicated circuit shall be provided for each sump or ejector pump. A simplex receptacle shall be provided for each pump.
   Exception: Where two pumps are installed adjacent to one another, one duplex receptacle may serve both pumps.
ADD. R405.1.3 Approved Method of Drainage. Sump pump discharge shall be directed to an approved drainage swale, easement or storm drain. Sump discharge shall not be directed into a sanitary sewer or onto a public right of way of any type. Sump discharge shall not be directed onto any driveway, private or public walk to create the potential for ice buildup on those surfaces. Storm sumps shall not be directly connected to a storm sewer without the written consent of the Director of Public Works.
R405.2 Wood Foundations. Delete in its entirety.
R405.2.1 Base. Delete in its entirety.
R405.2.2 Vapor Retarder. Delete in its entirety.
405.2.3 Drainage System. Delete in its entirety.
R406.1 Concrete foundation dampproofing. Amend. Except where required by Section R406.2 to be waterproofed, foundation walls that retain earth and enclose interior spaces and floors below grade shall be dampproofed from the higher of (a) the top of the footing or (b) 6 inches (152 mm) below the top of the basement floor, to the finished grade. Concrete walls shall be dampproofed by applying any one of the listed dampproofing materials or any one of the water-proofing materials listed in Section R406.2 to the exterior of the wall.
R406.2 Concrete foundation waterproofing. Amend. In areas where a high water table or other sever soil-water conditions are known to exist, exterior foundation walls that retain earth and enclose interior spaces and floors below grade shall be waterproofed from the higher of (a) the top of the footing or (b) 6 inches (152 mm) below the top of the basement floor, to the finished grade. Walls shall be water-proofed in accordance with one of the following:
   1.   Two-ply hot-mopped felts.
   2.   Fifty-five-pound (25 kg) roll roofing.
   3.   Six-mil (0.15 mm) polyvinyl chloride.
   4.   Six-mil (0.15 mm) polyethylene.
   5.   Forty-mil (1 mm) polymer-modified asphalt.
   6.   Sixty-mil (1.5 mm) flexible polymer cement.
   7.   One-eighth-inch (3 mm) cement-based, fiber-reinforced, waterproof coating.
   8.   Sixty-mil (1.5 mm) solvent-free liquid-applied synthetic rubber.
   All joints in membrane waterproofing shall be lapped and sealed with an adhesive compatible with the membrane.
   Exception: Organic-solvent-based products such as hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, ketones and esters shall not be used for ICF walls with expanded polystyrene form material. Use of plastic roofing cements, acrylic coatings, latex coatings, mortars and pargings to seal ICF walls is permitted. Cold-setting asphalt or hot asphalt shall conform to Type C of ASTM D449. Hot asphalt shall be applied at a temperature of less than 200°F (93°C).
R406.3 Dampproofing for wood foundations. Delete in its entirety.
R406.3.1 Panel joint sealed. Delete in its entirety.
R406.3.2 Below-grade moisture barrier. Delete in its entirety.
R406.3.3 Porous fill. Delete in its entirety.
R406.3.4 Backfill. Delete in its entirety.
R903.2 Flashing. Amend as follows: Flashings shall be installed in a manner that prevents moisture from entering the wall and roof through joints in copings, through moisture permeable materials and at intersections with parapet wails and other penetrations through the roof plane.
   Metal drip edge flashing shall be applied to all areas of a roof (eaves and gable ends) where there are no gutters or other form of approved flashing. Where gutters are installed, an approved gutter flashing shall be installed per the manufacturer's installation instructions.
   Gutters are required on all new roof installations, and the downspouts shall not discharge onto a driveway, sidewalk or other walking surface.
Chapter 26 Amend as follows:
   Chapter 26 - General Piping Requirements
Chapter 27 - Plumbing Fixtures
Delete In its entirety. Replace with the State of Illinois Plumbing Code (Most current edition adopted by the State of Illinois)
Chapter 28 - Water Heaters
Delete in its entirety. Replace with the State of Illinois Plumbing Code (Most current edition adopted by the State of Illinois)
Chapter 29 - Water Supply And Distribution
Delete in its entirety. Replace with the State of Illinois Plumbing Code (Most current edition adopted by the State of Illinois)
Chapter 30 - Sanitary Drainage
Delete in its entirety. Replace with the State of Illinois Plumbing Code (Most current edition adopted by the State of Illinois)
Chapter 31 - Vents
Delete in its entirety. Replace with the State of Illinois Plumbing Code (Most current edition adopted by the State of Illinois)
(Ord. 20-001, passed 3-4-20)