(A)   Introduction. A portion of the proposed construction required in connection with a subdivision or development is often located in or adjacent to areas with existing surface or underground improvements. The intent of this section is to codify city requirements relative to construction affecting existing and future improvements and the restoration of existing improvements. Plans and specifications presented for city approval shall provide for the implementation of the requirements of this section.
   (B)   Hand excavation. Where working space will permit, trenches may be excavated by machine provided that by so doing, public and private improvements will not be subjected to damage. If, however, excavation by machine methods cannot be made without material damage being done, hand excavation shall be employed.
   (C)   Bracing and sheeting. Open-cut trenches shall be sheeted and braced as required by any governing Federal or state laws and as may be necessary to protect life, property and the work.
   (D)   Trench side slopes. The contractor may, where working conditions and right-of-way permit, excavate pipeline trenches with sloping sides above the top of the conduit only.
   (E)   Short tunnels. Trees, fire hydrants, sidewalks and other obstructions may be encountered, the proximity of which may be a hindrance to open-cut excavation. In such cases, the contractor shall excavate by means of short tunnels in order to protect such obstruction against damage.
   (F)   Piling excavated material. All excavated material shall be piled in a manner that will not endanger the work and that will avoid obstructing sidewalks and driveways. Fire hydrants under pressure, valve pit covers, valve boxes, curb stop boxes, or other utility controls shall be left unobstructed and accessible until the work is completed. Gutters shall be kept clear or other satisfactory provisions made for street drainage. Natural watercourses shall not be obstructed.
   (G)   Structure protection. Temporary and permanent support, adequate for protection and maintenance of all underground and surface structures, drains, sewers, water mains, service lines, and other obstructions encountered in the progress of the work shall be required. Structures which have been disturbed shall be restored.
   (H)   Protection of property and surface structures. Trees, shrubbery, fences, poles and all other property and surface structures shall be protected during construction operations. Any fences, poles or other man made surface improvements which are moved or disturbed shall be restored to their original condition after construction is completed. Any trees, shrubbery or other vegetation which are approved for removal shall be removed completely, including stumps and roots. Responsibility for any damage or claims for damage caused by construction operations to shrubbery or other landscape improvements which were not authorized for removal shall be assumed by the developer. Settlement of any damage or claims for damage shall be made by the developer as soon as possible and in a manner satisfactory to Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee.
   (I)   Interruption to utilities and damage to surface improvements. All reasonable precautions shall be taken against damage to existing utilities. In the event of a break in an existing water main, gas main, sewer or underground cable, the developer shall immediately notify a responsible official from the organization operating the utility interrupted. The developer shall lend all possible assistance in restoring service and shall assume all costs, charges or claims connected with the interruption and repair of such services. In the case of city utilities, the cost of such work will be billed to the developer as follows:
      (1)   Wages will be billed at 2.5 times the wages expended.
      (2)   Equipment rates will be charged based directly upon the most current published rental rates of the Illinois Department of Transportation.
      (3)   A flat service fee of $200 will be charged on each and every emergency call as a mobilization fee. All other emergency repair work by the city, as well as any other work that may be performed by the city at the request of the developer, will be performed at the above rates.
   (J)   Traffic control. All work within public rights-of-way shall conform to the requirements of the manual on uniform traffic control devices. The provisions of this manual will be enforced when:
      (1)   An opening is made into the existing pavement.
      (2)   Construction takes place adjacent to the edge of the existing pavement.
      (3)   A utility crossing is made beneath the existing pavement.
      (4)   It is necessary to close a lane of traffic due to construction operations.
         A full lane closure will be required whenever construction is underway or whenever a vehicle is parked in the lane normally used for through traffic, (even if this facility is on a four-lane roadway). Written permission for such a lane closure must be obtained from the Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee prior to commencing construction. Signage will be required in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. No construction operation shall commence until such time that all required signs and barricades have been erected.
         Unless written authorization is obtained from the Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee, all openings in any pavement or traveled way will be backfilled prior to the end of each working day. All excavations shall be backfilled with FA-6 sand, and a temporary asphalt surface patch of at least two inches in thickness shall be constructed. In lieu of an asphalt patch, a steel plate (minimum of one inch of thickness) over the excavation may be approved by the Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee upon request by the developer.
   (K)   Pavement crossings. Unless otherwise specifically approved by the Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee, all conduits crossing existing pavements shall be installed by tunneling, jacking or auguring. When the carrier pipe is a conduit intended to operate under internal pressure, a casing pipe of adequate strength for all applied loads shall be used. The nearest face of pits or other open excavations on each side of a traveled pavement shall be at least ten feet from the edge of the pavement.
   (L)   Restoration of existing improvement surfaces. The contractor shall restore all permanent-type pavements, sidewalks, driveways, curbs, gutters, trees, shrubbery, lawns, fences, poles, and other property and surface structures removed or disturbed during or as a result of construction operations to a condition which is equal in appearance and quality to the condition that existed before the work began. The surface of all improvements shall be constructed of the same material and match in appearance the surface of the improvements which were removed. All pavement and restoration limits are per the discretion of the Director of Public Works and Engineering and will be determined and based on logical termini regardless of actual disturbance area.
   (M)   Removal of pavement, sidewalks, driveway and curb. When a conduit is located along or across an improved surface, the width of the trench at the top of the excavation shall be held as nearly as possible to the maximum width indicated in the standard specifications for water and sewer main construction in Illinois. Where concrete pavements, sidewalk, driveway or curbing is cut, the width of the cut shall exceed the actual width of the top of the trench at subgrade by 12 inches on each side. Exposed surfaces of Portland cement concrete or asphalt shall be cut with a pavement saw before breaking. Care shall be taken in cutting to ensure that a straight joint is secured.
   (N)   PCC pavement surface. Where the existing pavement surface is Portland cement concrete, the pavement replacement shall match existing pavement thickness except the pavement thickness shall not be less than that shown on the City of Lockport Standard Detail #70-12.
   (O)   Hot-mix asphalt pavement surface with flexible base. Where the existing pavement surface is asphalt and the base consists of a flexible material such as aggregate, asphalt, pozzolanic materials or soil cement, the pavement replacement shall be installed in accordance with the City of Lockport standard details.
   (P)   PCC sidewalks, driveways, curbs and gutters. Where necessary to remove and replace Portland cement concrete sidewalk, driveways, curb, and combination curb and gutter, replacement items shall be constructed or patched in accordance with the City of Lockport standard details.
   (Q)   HMA Driveways. Where necessary to remove and replace asphalt driveways, the pavement replacement shall be installed in accordance with the City of Lockport standard details.
   (R)   Cultivated lawns. When cultivated lawns are damaged, the areas so damaged shall be restored by furnishing and placing top soil and furnishing and placing sod as detailed in this section.
      (1)   Top soil shall be furnished and placed to a depth of six inches in accordance with Section 211 of IDOT's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. The work to be done includes preparing the subgrade, removal of surplus earth, filling all irregularities or depressions in the planting area due to settlement, weathering or other causes, furnishing, placing, raking, and rolling top soil, and all incidental work. The furnished top soil shall consist of loose, friable, loamy, non-acid soil, rich in organic matter, and free from clay, and/or other objectionable matter. Before top soil is placed, the area to be covered shall be shaped, trimmed and finished so that the specified amount of top soil shall bring the area to the proper grade. If the existing surface has become hardened or crusty, it shall be raked or otherwise loosened to provide a suitable bond with the top soil. The top soil shall be deposited and spread over the planting surface, left with a smooth surface and carefully rolled.
      (2)   Furnishing and placing sod shall include preparing the ground surface and furnishing, transporting and placing the sod and other materials required in the sodding operation, all in accordance with Section 252 of IDOT's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. The sod shall be well-rooted Kentucky Bluegrass on private property and salt-tolerant sod within the public rights-of-way. Each piece of sod shall be well covered with turf grass, shall be free from noxious weeds and other objectionable plants, and shall not contain substances injurious to growth. The grass shall be cut to a length of not less than two inches, nor more than four inches before the sod is cut. The consistency of adherent soil shall be such that it will not break, crumble, or tear during handling and placing of the sod. The sod shall be cut in square or rectangular pieces with its shortest side not less than 12 inches nor more than 18 inches long. The cut sod shall be not be less than two inches thick. Sod which has been cut more than 36 hours prior to placing shall not be used without the approval of the Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee. All sod in stacks shall be kept moist and protected from exposure to the sun and wind, and from freezing. Agricultural ground limestone and fertilizer nutrients shall be included as required. Regular watering shall be provided until the sod is well established.
   (S)   Cleanup. Before acceptance of subdivision or development improvements, all pipes, manholes, catch basins, inlets, valve vaults, fire hydrants, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned of all debris and foreign material and all fire hydrants shall be field painted.
   (T)   Saw cutting. When necessary to remove sections of existing pavement or sidewalk, the edges of the portion to be removed shall be cleanly cut to full depth with a wet concrete saw.
(Ord. 18-008, passed 2-7-18)