§ 153.50.140 PUBLIC UTILITIES.
   (A)   All lines for electronic sounds and signals, telephone, and electric services shall be placed in easements and entirely underground. Where electronic sounds and signals, telephone, and electric service lines are placed underground entirely throughout a developed area, the conduits or cables shall be placed within easements or dedicated public ways in a manner which will not conflict with other underground services. All transformer and terminal boxes shall be located so as to not be unsightly or hazardous to the public.
   (B)   All underground electrical sounds and signals, telephone and electrical service lines to a single-family home or to a two-family dwelling shall be installed along the side lot line and then along the rear of the building if necessary, rather than running the service lines through the middle of the rear yard.
   (C)   All gas mains shall be placed within street rights-of-way or within easements.
   (D)   Underground utility work shall not commence until the appropriate public utilities have been staked and the Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee has inspected, reviewed and approved their proposed location.
(Ord. 18-008, passed 2-7-18)