§ 153.50.130 LOT GRADING.
   (A)   All subdivisions shall provide for the grading of all lots in accordance with this chapter.
   (B)   Grading of lots within the city shall be accomplished in such a manner so as to prevent ponding in excess of eight inches in the event of complete failure of the storm sewer system. The restriction regarding maximum ponding depth does not apply to ponds or stormwater detention facilities.
   (C)   Longitudinal grading on all grassed areas of lots shall be not less than 2% and not more than 5% unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee. Slopes steeper than five feet horizontal to one foot vertical will require retaining walls or other treatments approved by the Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee.
   (D)   Driveway grades on all lots, as measured from the top of depressed curb to the finished garage floor, shall not be less than 1% and not more than 8%, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee. When a driveway grade less than 8% is not practical due to topographical conditions, the Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee may approve driveway grades up to a maximum of 10%.
   (E)   Grading certification. At the time of initial acceptance of public improvements, the developer's engineer shall furnish the Director of Public Works and Engineering or authorized designee with a certificate stating that the finished grades around all structures conform to the grading plan submitted at the time of review and approval and that all lots drain properly. This certification shall be provided by the engineer who prepared the as-built plans. The as-built plans shall have the results of an elevation survey of the completed work denoted, showing actual elevations at each location for which an elevation was denoted on the subdivision plan. These as-built plan elevations shall be denoted next to the original design elevation which shall have a thin line drawn through it so as to remain legible.
(Ord. 18-008, passed 2-7-18; Am. Ord. 21-021, passed 8-18-21)