A final subdivision plat and all other plans submitted as part of this review process shall be 24 inches by 36 inches in size. When necessary, the plat may be on several sheets accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire subdivision. The final subdivision plat shall show the following information and shall be accompanied additional plans and documents, when applicable:
   (A)   General information. The following general information, where applicable, shall be shown on the final plat:
      (1)   The date of preparation, north point and scale of drawing (which shall be no less than one inch is the same as 100 feet).
      (2)   Legal description of the parcel.
      (3)   The names and addresses of the record owner, the applicant, and the Illinois registered surveyor who prepared the plat with his seal affixed.
      (4)   Reference points of existing surveys identified, related to the plat by distances and bearing, and reference to a field book or map as follows:
         (a)   All stakes, monuments or other evidence found on the ground and used to determine the boundaries of the parcel.
         (b)   Adjoining corners of all adjoining parcels.
         (c)   When the city has established the center line of the street adjacent to or within the proposed parcel, the location of such center line and monument found or reset shall be shown.
      (5)   Lot and block lines with dimensions, bearings or deflection angles, and radii, arcs, points of curvature and tangent bearings. Tract boundaries and street bearings shall be shown to the nearest ten seconds with basis of the bearings. All distances shall be shown to the nearest 0.01 feet. No ditto marks shall be used.
      (6)   The width of the portion of any streets being dedicated and the width of any existing rights-of-way, all shown each side of the center line.
      (7)   All easements shall be denoted by fine dotted lines, clearly identified, and if already of record, the recorder's references to such easement. The width of the easement, its length and bearing, the sufficient ties to locate it definitely with respect to the plat must be shown. If an easement is not precisely located of record, a description of such easement shall be included. If the easement is being dedicated by the map, it shall be properly referenced in the owner's certificate or identification.
      (8)   Lot numbers beginning with the number one, and numbered consecutively within each block.
      (9)   Block numbers or letters without omission or duplication throughout the subdivision. The figures shall be solid, of sufficient size and thickness to stand out, and so placed as not to obliterate any figure. Block figures of an addition to a subdivision of the same name shall be a continuation of the numbering in the original subdivision.
      (10)   Accurate outlines and legal descriptions of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose indicated thereon, and of any area to be reserved by deed covenant for common use of all property owners.
      (11)   Building setback lines and dimensions.
      (12)   The name of each street shown on the plat.
      (13)   The name of the subdivision.
      (14)   Boundary of the plat indicated by a heavy solid line, based upon an accurate traverse with angles and bearings shown to the nearest second of arc and lineal dimensions in hundredths of feet.
      (15)   True angles and distances to the nearest established street lines or permanent monuments, not less than two, which shall be accurately described on the plat.
      (16)   All township, county or section lines accurately tied to the boundaries of the tract by distances and angles.
      (17)   A summary of all restrictions applicable to any part of the tract relating to building restrictions, use restrictions, building lines, or otherwise.
      (18)   The location of all permanent monuments, constructed in accordance with the city of lockport standard drawings, which shall be placed at all corners, at each end of all curves, at the point where a curve changes its radius, at all angle points in any line and at all angle points along a meander line that occur along the boundary of the area of the final plat. Additional permanent monuments shall be located at remote locations on corners of each area which will be individually platted so as to provide a minimum of two permanent monuments on corners of each platted area. All lot corners and points where curve radii change which are not marked by permanent monuments shall be marked by survey monuments at least 24 inches in length and not less than one-half inch in diameter. The top of the survey monument is to be visible above the established grade of the ground prior to initial acceptance.
   (B)   Supporting data. The following supporting data, where applicable, shall be supplied in separate statements or maps, or if practical, may be shown on the final plat:
      (1)   Final engineering plan, in accordance with provisions in this chapter.
      (2)   Final stormwater detention calculations, including proposed detention areas, maximum allowable release rates, bypass flows and emergency overflow routes, in accordance with the provisions in this chapter.
      (3)   Final tree preservation plan and tree survey, in accordance with the provisions in this chapter.
      (4)   Final landscape plan, in accordance with the city's landscape ordinance.
      (5)   Final lighting plan, including photometrics and details of the proposed lighting system, in accordance with provisions in this chapter.
      (6)   Final architectural elevations of all four sides for all building types. Architectural elevations shall be rendered in color and noted to indicate all building materials, color and finish. The drawings shall be scaled and must indicate overall building height and the height of each story when multiple stories are proposed. Ventilation grills, downspouts, and utility meters/equipment on the building and any mechanical equipment extending above the building parapet shall be identified.
      (7)   A copy of any declarations, restrictive covenants, or homeowner association documents.
      (8)   Traffic study and analysis, with estimated daily/peak hour traffic generation from the development, in accordance with the provisions in this chapter.
      (9)   Written approval from all outside jurisdictions having permit authority over any proposed access to the subject property (IDOT, Will County, etc.).
   (C)   Additional requirements. The subdivider shall provide the city with an electronic copy of survey and CAD files containing the computer coordinates for property lines, right-of-way, water main, sanitary sewer, storm sewer improvements in the proposed subdivision, for use by the City of Lockport.
(Ord. 18-008, passed 2-7-18)