(A)   Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended:
      CITY. The city of Lockport.
      CITY COUNCIL. The governing body of the city.
      PUBLICLY OWNED PROPERTY. Property owned by the city or owned by any other municipal corporation, or the state, or an agency of the state or the United States.
   (B)   Public property; restrictions. No person shall do any of the following acts upon any public street, highway, alley, public place, or upon any other property belonging to the city, regardless of the purpose for which that property was dedicated, acquired, or purchased, without the consent of the City Council:
      (1)   Take possession of any of the property in any manner.
      (2)   Take up residence upon the property.
      (3)   House or keep animals on the property.
      (4)   Build any structures of any kind upon any of the property.
      (5)   Fence in or cultivate any of the property. This division (B)(5) shall not be interpreted to prohibit any person who is maintaining a lawn on the part of the street right-of-way that is not paved. Such land is customarily maintained by the owner of, or person maintaining, the lot fronting on such land.
      (6)   Dump boxes, trash, litter, paper, refuse matter, tin cans, or garbage on any of the property.
   (C)   Other restrictions. No person shall maliciously or willfully deface, injure, destroy, besmear, or bedaub any publicly owned building, sidewalk, street, pavement, curbing, water or sewer line, or other publicly owned real or personal property of the city.
   (D)   Trees and shrubs in public places.
      (1)   No person shall maliciously or willfully cut down or destroy or in any manner injure any tree, shrubbery, or flower planted or growing in or on any street, park, alley, or public grounds. This division (D)(1) shall not be interpreted to prohibit any person who is maintaining any land fronting on a street from maintaining a lawn on the part of the street right-of-way that is not paved. Such land is customarily maintained by the owner of, or person maintaining, the lot fronting on such land.
      (2)   No person shall cut down any tree in any street right-of-way or parkway without the permission of the City Council.
   (E)   Buildings prohibited. No person shall maintain, erect, or permit the erection of any building, hut, hotel, shanty, tent, or other structure under his control upon any street, sidewalk, alley, or other public grounds without the consent of the City Council. This section shall not prohibit the erection or installation of any tent or temporary structure when authorized by a permit concerning any campground or festival.
   (F)   Fire hydrants. No person shall place or cause to be placed upon or about any fire hydrant any paint, rubbish, building material, fence, or other obstruction of any character; hitch or cause to be hitched to any fire hydrant any animal; or fasten on any fire hydrant any guy rope or brace or place any vehicle against any hydrant.
(`79 Code, § 130.315) (Ord. 1093, passed 10-19-87)