§ 262.14 JURY DUTY.
   Any full-time village employee who is called to serve as a juror or who is subpoenaed to appear before a court, public body, or commission to testify with regard to matters related to village business, shall be paid his or her regular pay for any time missed from work because of actually being required to be in attendance to perform jury duty or testify. Any compensation the employee receives from the Court, Board or Commission, shall be turned into the Clerk- Treasurer of the Village of Lockland. Employees who are subpoenaed to testify in civil or criminal matters not related to village work, will not be compensated. Employees who are called to jury duty shall only be compensated for those days when they are actually serving on jury duty. On days when they have been released from jury duty, they shall report to work.
(Ord. 2005-43, passed 10-4-2005)