The Village Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to establish such taxicab stands as will serve the best interests of the public and such authority and direction shall include the establishment of taxicab stands in front of fire hydrants as the need of the public may require. Such taxicab stands shall be designated by a sign or signs indicating that they are taxicab stands. Such stands shall be reserved exclusively for the parking of taxicabs while awaiting passengers for hire. The driver of a taxicab shall remain in or beside his or her taxicab when parked in a taxicab stand. The driver of a taxicab which is engaged shall not occupy a place in a taxicab stand with such vehicle. Except in authorized taxicab stands, no person shall park a taxicab upon a public street or alley within a congested district. No person shall park a taxicab in a taxicab stand continuously for a period exceeding one hour.
(Ord. 1184, passed 1-28-1952; Am. Ord. 82-3, passed 1-4-1982) Penalty, see § 856.99