Certain parts of the adopted 2012 International Property Maintenance Code are hereby revised as follows:
   Section 101.1. Insert “Village of Lockland”.
   Section 102.3. Replace “International Existing Building Code” with “Building Code of the Village of Lockland” and “International Zoning Code” with “Village of Lockland Zoning Code”.
   Section 106.3 Prosecution of Violation. Delete this section and replace with:
   “Section 106.3 Notice of Violation. Any person failing to comply with a notice of violation or order served in accordance with Section 107 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject to the terms of Lockland Municipal Code Chapter 698, General Offenses Code.”
   Section 108.1.5 Dangerous structure or premises. Delete Section 108.1.5 in its entirety.
   Section 109.5. Add (to the end of the last line): “; or the cost of such repair shall be charged against the land on which the abatement took place as a municipal lien”.
   Section 111.1. Replace “board of appeals” with “Housing Appeals Board”.
   Section 111.2. Replace with “Membership of Board. Board members shall be appointed by Council for overlapping terms of three years. One of the first members shall be appointed for one year, one for two years and one for three years. Each member shall serve until a successor is appointed. Thereafter, each member shall be appointed for a full three-year term. To be eligible for appointment to the Board, a person shall be a citizen of the United States and a resident of the municipality”.
   Section 201.3. Replace “International Building Code, International Fire Code, International Zoning Code, International Plumbing Code, International Mechanical Code, International Existing Building Code and the ICC Electrical Code" with "adopted codes of the Village of Lockland”.
   Section 202 General Definitions. Add the following on the end of the definition for, “Code Official”: “Within the Village of Lockland, the 'Code Official' is known as the 'Code Enforcement Officer.'”
   Section 302.4. Insert “eight (8) inches”.
   Section 302.4. Add (to the end of the last line) “; or the cost of such abatement shall be charged against the land on which the abatement took place as a municipal lien.”
   Section 302.4, Weeds. Add (as an additional third paragraph): "Notices of a violation of this Section 302.4 shall only be required to be given once in a calendar year. That notice shall be given as described in Section 107 of the International Property Maintenance Code and shall advise the property owner that failure to abate the violation in the time provided may result in the Village proceeding to abate the violation and assess the cost against the property owner. Any further violations that calendar year of Section 302.4 shall not require additional notices prior to the Village taking steps to abate the violation."
   Section 302. Add “Section 302.10. Outdoor Storage for Businesses. All businesses, servicing or processing, except for off-street loading, shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. Businesses such as outdoor cafes may be accepted upon approval. All storage of materials, goods or products, including inoperative vehicles, shall be within enclosed buildings or shall be effectively screened from view in an approved manner.”
   Section 302. Add “Section 302.11 Outdoor Storage for Residences. In residential areas, all outdoor storage of any kind, including inoperative vehicles, for a continuous period exceeding seven days, shall be enclosed in a building or obscured from view. The storage of standard items, such as firewood and bicycles, shall be exempt from this provision.”
   Section 304.13. Insert the following provision as Section 304.13.3:
   304.13.3 Window Glazing Coverings. No person shall utilize plywood, blankets, newspaper, flags, banners, signs or other building materials not intended or designed as window treatments as permanent window coverings, on either the exterior or interior of the windows which are visible from the public right of way, for more than one (1) 15-day period in a calendar year.
   Section 304.14. Insert “May 1” and “October 31”.
   Section 305.3. Add (to the end of the last line): “Kitchen, bathroom and toilet room floors shall be covered with appropriate materials which are reasonably impervious to water so as to be maintainable in a clean and sanitary manner.”
   Section 401.3. Replace “International Building Code” with “Village of Lockland Building Code”.
   Section 505.1. Replace “International Plumbing Code” with “Hamilton County Plumbing Code”.
   Section 602.2. Replace “for the locality indicated in Appendix D of the International Plumbing Code” with “of five (5) degrees Fahrenheit”.
   Section 602.3. Insert “October 1” and “April 30” on the fifth line. Replace “as indicated in Appendix D of the International Plumbing Code” with “of five (5) degrees Fahrenheit”.
   Section 602.4. Insert “October 1” and “April 30”.
   Sections 702.1, 702.2, 704.1 and 704.2. Replace “International Fire Code” with “Village of Lockland Fire Code”.
   Section 702.3. Replace “International Building Code” with “Village of Lockland Building Code”.
   Chapter 8. Replace entire chapter with “Referenced Standards are:
      2011 NEC (National Electrical Code);
      2013 ORC (Ohio Residential Code);
      2011 OBC (Ohio Building Code);
      2011 OMC (Ohio Mechanical Code);
      2011 OFC (Ohio Fire Code);
      2011 OPC (Ohio Plumbing Code);
      and all subsequent revisions”.
(Ord. 2014-4, passed 1-21-2014; Am. Ord. 2016- 7, passed 3-15-2016; Am. Ord. 2018-9, passed 3-26-2018)