Immediately after the adoption of an ordinance by the Village Council, or the filing of an application by the owner or lessee of property, said ordinance or application shall be transmitted to the Planning Commission.
   (a)   Public hearing by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may schedule a public hearing on the proposed amendment not less than 30 calendar days from date of receipt of the proposed amendment.
   (b)   Notice of public hearing in newspaper. Prior to holding the public hearing, notice of such hearing shall be published in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the municipality and posted at designated public posting locations in the village at least 15 calendar days before the date of the said hearing. The notice shall set forth the time and place of the public hearing and the specific item to be considered.
   (c)   Notice to property owners. If the amendment intends to rezone or redistrict property as shown on the Official Zoning Map, written notice shall be mailed, by first class mail at least 15 calendar days prior to the hearing, to all owners of property located within 200 feet of the property subject to the proposed amendment. This notice shall be sent to the address of such owners appearing on the County Auditor's current tax list. If the application was submitted by one or more owners or lessees of the property, the mailing list shall be supplied to the Planning Commission by the property owners or lessees requesting the amendment. The failure to deliver the notification as provided in this section shall not invalidate any such amendment. The notice shall set forth the time and place of the public hearing and the specific item to be considered.
   (d)   Action by the Planning Commission. The Commission shall, by resolution, recommend the approval of an amendment, approval with modification or disapproval of the application. The Secretary of the Commission shall transmit such resolution to Council. No member of the Commission shall be authorized to vote by proxy.
(Ord. 2012-20, passed 4-17-2012)