Those individuals desiring to obtain advance notice of the meetings of the public bodies of the village may do so by utilizing any of the following means:
   (a)   Recognize that regularly scheduled meetings of the Village Council occur on the third Tuesday of each month.
   (b)   (1)   Special meetings of the Village Council may be called pursuant to § 220.03(b) and notice of such special meetings shall be posted on the village bulletin boards currently located at:
         A.   Town Hall;
         B.   North Cooper at the parking lot on the east side between Wyoming and Cross street;
         C.   Wyoming and Williams near Health building;
         D.   North Wayne Avenue at Old Wayne School; and
         E.   Village parking lot on Mill Street.
      (2)   The location of such bulletin boards may be changed from time to time but shall always be located in prominent positions readily accessible to the general public.
   (c)   Notices of the meetings of Council committees and other decision-making bodies including, without limitation, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Housing Board of Appeals, shall be similarly posted.
   (d)   Individuals desiring to obtain a copy of the notice may do so by requesting a copy at Village Hall which shall be provided at the cost of $0.25.
   (e)   In the alternative, individuals desiring to receive notification by mail may provide self- addressed, stamped envelopes to the Village Clerk- Treasurer or his or her designee, which envelope shall be used until they are exhausted for the purpose of providing such notices as may be requested to the individual making such request. The fee for covering the administrative costs of providing such notice shall be $1 for each notice mailed.
(Ord. 95-27, passed 8-7-1995; Am. Ord. 2012-48, passed 8-21-12)