(a)   When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be stated by the Mayor before debate. A motion must be reduced to writing, if any member requests it, and shall not be withdrawn without the consent of Council.
   (b)   When a question is before Council, no motion shall be entertained unless it is to adjourn, to lay on the table, for the previous question, to postpone either indefinitely or to a specified time, to refer or to amend. Such motions shall have precedence in the order mentioned herein.
   (c)   A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except on immediate repetition, or when a member has the floor, or when the previous question has been ordered, or when Council is voting.
   (d)   If a motion to adjourn is made while any question is pending and the motion is carried, the question cannot again be considered unless it is reintroduced in the usual way.
   (e)   A motion to lay on the table shall not be amendable or debatable. If the motion prevails, the consideration of a subject cannot be resumed, except as unfinished business, without the consent of two-thirds of the members present.
   (f)   All motions to postpone must be amended as to time, but preclude debate on the main question. An indefinite postponement is equivalent to a rejection of the proposition.
   (g)   Any member voting with the prevailing side on a question may move for a reconsideration of the same, and the motion may be seconded by any member. However, when a motion to reconsider is once made and lost, it shall not be renewed. Such a motion is a privilege motion and may precede all other questions and can be considered at any time after the pending business is disposed of. A majority of the members present may reconsider any vote.
   (h)   The first reading of a proposed ordinance shall be for information. If objection is made to the ordinance, the question shall be: “Shall the proposition be rejected?” An objection to an ordinance shall take precedence over a motion to dispense with the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three different days.
   (i)   After the second reading of an ordinance, no amendment thereto shall be in order. Upon the third reading thereof, the question shall be upon the final passage, which must be determined by a yea and nay vote upon the call of the roll. No ordinance, resolution or bylaw requiring more than one reading shall be passed through its several readings together, except by a separate suspension of the rules for each such ordinance, resolution or bylaw.
   (j)   Ordinances or resolutions authorizing the expenditure of money shall have the approval of the Finance Committee and any other committee recommending the same, which approval shall be endorsed on the ordinance or resolution. The Clerk, when reading such ordinance, shall specifically state that the ordinance he or she is reading has been endorsed by the Finance Committee or any other committee of Council. If such ordinances or resolutions are presented without such approval, the same shall be referred without debate to the Finance Committee.
   (k)   All new questions shall be appropriately referred to committee without debate, unless a majority of Council dispenses with this rule. All new ordinances and resolutions which the Mayor or Village Administrator desires to be placed on the agenda at the next Council meeting should be submitted to the proper Chairperson of the standing Council committee at least two weeks prior to the Council meeting at which such ordinance or resolution is to be considered.
   (l)   Only the names of Council members or committees of Council shall be listed on such ordinance or resolution to indicate the proposer of the ordinance or resolution.
   (m)   Any amendment to this section shall be presented in writing and referred to the Committee of the Whole and shall not be considered at the same meeting.
(Ord. 84-7, passed 2-10-1984; Am. Ord. 2012-48, passed 8-21-12)