(a)   Violations and penalties.
      (1)   Written notice for all sign violations. The Code Enforcement Officer will issue a written notice of violation by registered mail to the person or entity having charge or control or benefit of any sign found by the Code Enforcement Officer to be unsafe or dangerous, or in violation of these sign regulations or of any other village ordinance, or where the village is contemplating removal of the sign.
      (2)   Time limit and options. After receipt of a written notice of violation, the person or entity having charge, control or benefit of the noncompliant sign must take the following actions:
         A.   Abatement of the violation within 30 days; or
         B.   An application for appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals may be filed no later than 14 days after receipt of the written notice of violation being appealed, and in accordance with the requirements of this Zoning Code, Chapter 1280.
      (3)   Citation. If the violation has not been abated nor an appeal filed within 30 days of the issuance of the written notice, a citation will be issued.
      (4)   Continuing violations. Each day following the issuance of a citation that the violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense. The penalty amount designated by the Village Council for the applicable citation (first citation, second citation, and so forth) shall apply to each separate day that the violation continues.
      (5)   Penalties. The Village Council shall determine the penalties for sign violations.
   (b)   Non-maintained or abandoned signs. The Code Enforcement Officer shall require each non-maintained or abandoned sign to be removed from the structure or premises when such sign has not been repaired or put into use by the owner, person having control or person receiving benefit of such structure within 30 calendar days after notice of non-maintenance or abandonment is given to the owner, person having control or person receiving the benefit of such structure.
   (c)   Unsafe or dangerous signs. If an unsafe or dangerous sign is not repaired or made safe within five working days after the Code Enforcement Officer gives notice pursuant to § 1246.27, and shall at once abate and remove the sign, and the person having charge, control or benefit of any such sign shall pay to the village the costs incurred in such removal within 30 calendar days after written notice is mailed to such person.
   (d)   Illegal signs. If an illegal sign is not made conforming within 30 working days after the Code Enforcement Officer gives notice pursuant to § 1246.27, the Code Enforcement Officer shall at once abate and remove the sign, and the owner, person having charge, control or benefit of any such sign shall pay to the village the costs incurred, including, but not limited to, village employee time, sign storage fees, etc., in such removal within 30 calendar days after written notice is mailed to such person.
   (e)   Confiscation of signs. The Code Enforcement Officer shall immediately confiscate any sign located on public property or in the public right-of-way in violation of these Sign Regulations or any other village ordinances. Confiscated signs shall be stored at a location determined by the Building Official for a period of 30 days, during which time the owner or person having charge, control or benefit of the confiscated sign may redeem the sign after payment of enforcement cost to the village as set forth in the schedule of fees established by the Village Council. Payment of costs to the village shall be held harmless for and damages incurred to signs as a result of their confiscation. In addition to enforcement costs, sign owners and persons having charge, control or benefit of any sign erected in violation of this chapter shall be liable for any damages caused to public property, public facilities or public utilities by reason of the placement, attachment and/or removal of such unlawful signs. Signs not redeemed within 30 days shall be destroyed.
(Ord. 2012-20, passed 4-17-2012)