All signs located within the village are subject to the following regulations and limitations, where applicable and unless otherwise specified:
   (a)   Sign quality and durability.
      (1)   Structural elements. The construction and structural components of all signs shall be in accordance with the standards and regulations of the Village Building Code.
      (2)   Aesthetic and visual elements. All signs, including materials, paint, lettering, graphics, etc., shall be of a durable, professional quality.
   (b)   Height.
      (1)   Height of ground, monument, and pole signs.
         A.   Sign without mounding. The height of a freestanding sign shall be calculated by measuring the vertical distance between the top part of such sign or its structure, whichever is highest, to the elevation of the ground directly beneath the center of the sign. The elevation of the ground directly beneath the center of the sign shall be construed to be the lower of the existing grade prior to construction or the newly established grade after construction, exclusive of any filling, berming, mounding or excavating solely for the purpose of locating the sign.
         B.   Sign with mounding. In cases in which the newly established grade within the required front yard consists of man-made berms, hills, or other similar ground formations with sides steeper than one foot rise to four feet horizontal, the enforcing officer shall utilize the elevation of the street curb nearest to the location of the sign for determining sign height. If no street curb exists, the elevation of the edge of the pavement nearest the sign location shall be used. See Figure 1266.06-A.
         C.   Structural support included in sign height. Any material whose major function is to provide structural support for a sign shall be considered part of the sign for purposes of determining sign height.
   FIGURE 1264.11-A
      (2)   Minimum height of structure-mounted signs. The bottom of every awning, canopy, walkway sign, flat sign and wall sign shall be elevated at least eight feet above grade. Where multiple flat or wall signs are permitted on the same façade, they shall maintain the same top and bottom elevations above grade as one another.
   (c)   Measurement of sign face area.
      (1)   Determination of sign face area. The area of a sign shall be determined by computing the entire area within a single polygon that completely enclosed the sign face (i.e., the extreme limits of lettering, representations, emblems or other figures, together with all surrounding material, color, lighting, trim or ornamentation forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate the sign from the background from which it is placed) and in which polygon no interior angle is greater than 180 degrees. See Figure 1264.11-B.
   FIGURE 1264.11-B
      (2)   Area of Sign With More Than One Exterior Face. The area of a sign designed with more than one exterior face shall be computed as including 100 percent of all sign face areas as defined above that are visible from any ground position. A V-shaped sign whose interior angle is 90 degrees or less shall be counted as two sign faces.
      (3)   Exceptions. Where a sign is attached to a wall or fence, the area of the entire wall or fence shall not be computed in determining the maximum sign area.
   (d)   Setback. Except as otherwise provided, no sign shall be closer than ten feet to a right-of-way or six feet from a side lot line.
   (e)   Illumination.
      (1)   Location and design of light source. Whenever an external artificial light source is used for a sign, such source shall be located, shielded, and directed so as not to be directly visible from any public street or private residence. No receptacle or device housing a permitted light source for a sign shall protrude more than 18 inches from the face of the sign or building to which it is attached.
      (2)   Level of illumination. In no event shall the illumination of any sign, resulting from any internal or external artificial light source, exceed 50 foot candles when measured with a standard light meter held perpendicular to the sign face at a distance equal to the narrowest dimension of such sign face. All artificial illumination shall be so designed, located, shielded, and directed as to illuminate only the sign face or faces and to prevent the casting of glare or direct light upon adjacent property or streets.
      (3)   Signs adjacent to residential districts. Any illuminated sign located on a lot abutting or across a street from, and visible from, any residential district shall not be illuminated from the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. except that such sign may remain illuminated during such time as the activity to which the sign pertains is open for business so long as such sign is not a public or private nuisance.
      (4)   Flashing lights prohibited. Except for public service signs when expressly permitted by this section, no flashing, blinking, or intermittent lights shall be permitted.
   (f)   Electronic changeable copy. Electronic copy signs are permitted provided that movement is limited to scrolling, or flashing copy with a minimum six-second delay. Animation and graphics are prohibited.
   (g)   Landscaping. The base of all ground-mounted signs shall be landscaped pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 1266 Landscaping.
   (h)   General safety. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no sign shall be constructed or maintained in any area or in any manner so as to create a nuisance or a threat to the public safety or welfare.
   (i)   Traffic safety.
      (1)   Confusion with traffic signals. No sign shall be maintained at any location where by reason of its position, size, shape, content , color, or illumination it may obstruct, impair, obscure, interfere with the view of, or be confused with any traffic control sign, signal, or device or where it may interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic.
      (2)   Obstruction of sight triangles prohibited. A ground, pole or monument sign may not be closer to a lot line or right-of-way than the greater of one-half the sign height or 15 feet when within a sight triangle. See Figure 1264.11-C.
   FIGURE 1264.11-C
   (j)   Obstructions to access ways. No sign or sign structure shall obstruct free ingress to or egress from a fire escape, door, window, or other required access way.
   (k)   Signs in right-of-way. No sign, except governmental signs, shall be placed in or extend into or over any public property or public right-of-way.
   (l)   Sign spacing. No sign shall be nearer than two feet to any other sign or structure, other than a structure to which it is lawfully attached.
   (m)   Signs on lots with multiple uses. When more than one user occupies a zoning lot, the owner of the lot shall be responsible for allocating permitted signage among such users.
   (n)   Sign maintenance and abandonment. All signs and sign structures shall be maintained in a safe and attractive condition. Signs and structures which have been abandoned or are not maintained in accordance with this Zoning Code and other applicable regulations of the village shall be removed within 60 days by the latest permit holder or owner or by the village at the expense of such permit holder or owner.
   (o)   Nonconforming signs.
      (1)   A sign conforming to the regulations prevailing prior to the effective date of this Zoning Code or otherwise lawfully erected, but which does not conform to the regulations of this Zoning Code or a subsequent amendment, shall be construed to be a legal nonconforming sign.
      (2)   Nonconforming signs may be maintained and structural parts may be replaced or restored to a safe condition, if required. However, any sign or part thereof which has been removed, destroyed, otherwise taken down for any purpose consistent with the provisions of Chapter 1278 Nonconforming Uses and Structures, shall not be rebuilt, re-erected or relocated unless it is made to comply with this Zoning Code and the Building Code.
(Ord. 2012-20, passed 4-17-2012)