Except as otherwise provided in this section, the quantity of off-street parking stalls for each newly established principal use on a parcel shall be provided according to the units of measurement indicated for that use in Schedule 1262.07 Off-Street Parking Stall Requirements.
   (a)   Computation of required stalls. The following provision shall govern the computation of the number of off-street parking stalls required.
      (1)   When the calculation of minimum required parking stalls for a particular use results in a fractional number, the number shall be rounded up to the next consecutive whole number.
      (2)   In any places of assembly in which the seats in the auditorium or assembly area consist of benches, pews or other similar seating facilities, and the number of seats are a factor in the calculation of the minimum required parking stalls, each 20 inches of such seating facilities shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining the minimum number of required parking stalls.
      (3)   When parking stall requirements are calculated on the number of faculty, staff, students or employees, the maximum number likely to be present at any one time shall govern.
      (4)   For uses not expressly listed in Schedule 1262.07 Off-Street Parking Stall Requirements, parking stalls shall be provided on the same basis as required for the most similar use as determined by the Village Council pursuant to Chapter 1276.
   (b)   Reduction in minimum required parking stalls. In the event that the number of parking stalls required in the Schedule of Off-Street Parking Stall Requirements for a proposed use cannot be placed on the parcel in accordance with these regulations without the demolition of an existing structure or elimination of required landscaping to accommodate a parking area, the Planning Commission may authorize up to a 20 percent reduction in the total number of parking stalls required on the lot. The Planning Commission may issue such an authorization only upon the request of the applicant and only upon determining that the reduction in the number of required parking stalls will not unreasonably increase parking congestion along public streets or in parking areas located on nearby lots. After such authorization is granted, the applicant shall not expand or replace the existing structure unless the full required amount of off-street parking is provided on the lot.
   (c)   Spaces for the handicapped. Handicapped-accessible parking stalls shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the
Ohio Building Code and may be counted as part of the minimum parking stall requirements of this chapter.
   (d)   Shared parking. Joint use of up to 50 percent of required parking stalls may be permitted for two or more uses located on the same parcel or adjacent parcels provided that the applicant can demonstrate to the village that the uses will not substantially overlap in hours of operation or in demand for the shared stalls. This shall be guaranteed by a written agreement from the owner or between the owners involved and all future owners or assigns which shall be submitted with the required plan. Shared parking stalls shall be located no more than 300 feet from the uses they are intended to serve.
Single-Family Dwelling
One stall per dwelling unit.
Two-Family Dwelling
One stall per dwelling unit.
Multi-Family Dwelling
One stall per dwelling unit for 3-9 dwelling units; 1.5 stalls per dwelling unit for structures with ten or more dwelling units.
Retirement Housing
One stall for every four residents.
Adult Family Home or Group Home
In addition to the requirements for the single-family structure, one stall per two staff plus one stall for pickup.
Foster Home
No additional parking requirements.
Type-B Daycare Home
No additional parking requirements.
Bed and Breakfast
Two stalls per every dwelling unit plus one per guest room.
Rooming or Boarding House
One stall per dwelling unit.
Home Occupation
See Home Occupation regulations, Chapter 1270 Accessory Uses and Structures.
   General Farming
In addition to the requirements for a single-family structure if one exists on the site, one stall per two staff.
   Agriculture with Retail Sales
In addition to the requirements for another principal use if one exists on the site, one stall per every 400 s.f. of greenhouse or sales floor area and four stalls per acre of agricultural land.
Type-A Family Daycare
One stall per employee, plus one stall for drop-off and pick-up for every eight individuals enrolled.
Schools, Public or Private
   Primary and Secondary School (K - 9th Grades)
One stall per employee plus four stalls for visitors or one stall per every three seats in auditorium, whichever is greater.
   High School (9th - 12th grades)
One stall per employee plus one stall per six students plus 12 stalls for visitors or one stall per every three seats in auditorium, whichever is greater.
Religious Institution
One stall per four seats in principal assembly area.
College or University
One stall per employee plus one stall per two registered student capacity or one stall per every three seats in auditorium, whichever is greater.
Technical, Trade, and other Specialty School
One stall per employee plus one stall per two registered student capacity or one stall per every three seats in auditorium, whichever is greater.
Government Administrative Facility
Four stalls per 1,000 square feet gross floor area.
Public Utilities Facility
One stall for service vehicle; any additional structure area used for occupancy by persons shall be calculated according to the requirements for professional offices.
Waste Transfer Facility
One space per employee, plus four spaces per acre, plus one space for every operative facility vehicle stored on the lot which is used in the conduct of the business but not to include salvage vehicles in inventory.
Public or Government-Owned Parking Facility
No additional parking requirements.
Privately-Owned Parking Facility
No additional parking requirements.
Funeral Home
One stall per four seats in parlor plus one stall per two employees plus one stall per facility vehicle.
One stall per employee plus one stall for every facility vehicle.
Professional, Business, Civil, Social, Labor, Political, or Fraternal Organization
One (1) stall per 50 s.f.
Medical Office or Outpatient Care Service - 1 to 2 Licensed Physicians On-Site
Five stalls per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Medical Office or Outpatient Care Service - 3 or More Licensed Physicians On-Site
Five stalls per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Medical and Diagnostic Laboratory
One stall per employee, plus one visitor-parking stall per 1000 square feet of gross floor area to a maximum of six visitor stalls, and one stall per vehicle stored on the lot.
Medical Supply Facility
One stall per employee, plus one visitor-parking stall per 1000 square feet of gross floor area to a maximum of six visitor stalls, and one stall per vehicle stored on the lot.
One stall per two beds plus one and one-half stalls per one emergency room bed plus one stall per employee.
Social Services
One stall for every three employees plus one for every facility vehicle, plus one for every 4,000 s.f. of warehouse or storage space.
Parks and Recreation
One space per 15,000 square feet of lot area plus one stall per every five seats in a theater, amphitheater, arena, or other stadium- or auditorium-style seating, and one stall per every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area for indoor facilities, where applicable.
Undeveloped Open Space and Conservation Area
No additional parking requirements.
Performing Arts Establishment
One stall per every five seats in a theater, amphitheater, arena, or other stadium- or auditorium-style seating.
Motion Picture Theater
One stall per every five seats in a theater, amphitheater, arena, or other stadium- or auditorium-style seating.
Museum, Historical, or Archaeological Institution
One stall per every 500 s.f. of gross floor area.
Botanical Garden, Arboretum
One stall per every 400 s.f. of greenhouse or accessory retail floor area and four stalls per acre of agricultural land.
Games Arcade
One stall per every 250 s.f. of floor area.
Miniature Golf Establishment
One stall per every 250 s.f. of floor area.
Recreational Establishment
One stall per every 250 s.f. of gross floor area, plus one space per 15,000 s.f. of outdoor recreation area, plus one stall per every five seats in a theater, amphitheater, arena, or other stadium- or auditorium-style seating.
Child and Adult Daycare
One stall per employee, plus one stall for drop-off and pick-up for every eight individuals enrolled.
Personal Service
Five stalls per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Personal Instruction
Five stalls per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Financial Institution or Insurance Service
Four stalls per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
Professional or Administrative Office
Five stalls per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
One stall per 100 feet of gross floor area, including outdoor dining areas.
   Limited-Service, Fast Food, or Cafeteria
One stall per 100 feet of gross floor area, including outdoor dining areas.
Outdoor Dining
Square footage of outdoor dining is to be calculated as part of the gross floor area of the use to which it is accessory.
Drinking Establishment
One stall per 100 feet of gross floor area, including outdoor dining areas.
Mobile Food Service
No additional parking requirements.
Catering Service - Kitchen
One stall per every 750 square feet of gross floor area.
Research and Development Facility
One stall per every 750 square feet of gross floor area.
Hotel or Motel
One stall per every guest room.
Retail Sales
Four stalls per 1,000 feet of gross floor area.
Automobile, Light Truck, and Recreational Vehicle Repair
Two stalls per every service bay or one stall per every 250 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater.
Fuel Station
No additional parking requirements. See parking requirements for use occurring in conjunction with fuel sales. Designated vehicle area adjacent to fuel pump is not a parking stall.
Car Wash
Each facility must provide sufficient queue area in advance of the car wash area to accommodate two vehicles in advance of a self-service bay or six vehicles in advance of an automatic service bay.
Hardware Store, Building Materials Supply and Small Equipment Sales and Leasing
One stall space per 400 square feet of gross floor area for retail display and sales, plus one stall space per 1000 square feet of gross warehouse and shop floor area, plus one stall space for every facility vehicle stored on the lot.
Lawn and Garden Supply, Commercial Greenhouse or Nursery
Four stalls per 1,000 square feet of gross indoor sales floor area, plus one stall per 1,000 square feet of greenhouse or net outdoor sales and customer display area, plus one stall per every 1.5 employees, plus one stall for every facility vehicle stored on the lot.
Art Gallery
One stall per every 500 s.f. of gross floor area.
Animal Hospital, Veterinary Clinic, Kennel, or Pet Daycare (wholly within enclosed structures)
One stall space per employee, plus one stall space per 100 square feet of client waiting room floor area plus one stall space per exam room and one stall space per 500 s.f. of kennel or dog run area.
Light Manufacturing
One stall per every 1,000 s.f. of gross floor area.
General Wholesaling and Distribution
One stall per every 1,000 s.f. of gross floor area.
One stall per every 1,000 s.f. of gross floor area.
Truck Terminal
One stall per every employee in addition to the stalls designated for truck parking.
Heavy Truck and Equipment Repair
Two stalls per every service bay or one stall per every 250 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater.
Heavy-Impact Manufacturing
One stall per every 1,000 s.f. of gross floor area.
Contractor's Storage
One stall per every 1,000 s.f. of gross floor area.
Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment Rental and Leasing
One stall space for every rentable vehicle or piece of equipment plus one stall for every two employees.
Oil and Gas Storage
One stall per every 1,000 s.f. of gross floor area.
Sexually-Oriented Business
One stall per every 300 s.f. of gross floor area.
(Ord. 2012-20, passed 4-17-2012)