(a)   Enclosed buildings and permanent outdoor storage and activities.
      (1)   In the GC General Commercial District, all business, service, and permanent display and storage operations shall be conducted, and all materials used in their operations shall be contained, wholly within enclosed buildings unless a conditional use permit is obtained pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 1280, Appeals, Variances, and Conditional Uses.
      (2)   In the HOC Highway-Oriented Commercial District, all operations shall be conducted wholly within enclosed buildings, except where otherwise provided in this Code.
   (b)   Landscaping and buffer yards.
      (1)   All portions of a lot which are not improved shall be landscaped or maintained in an orderly, natural state.
      (2)   In addition to the yard requirements in § 1254.09, a screen of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs sufficient to create a year-round visual barrier shall be planted and maintained between any development permitted in any Commercial District and any adjoining Residence District in accordance with the Commercial/Residential buffer requirements established in Chapter 1266, Landscaping.
      (3)   All other requirements of Chapter 1266 pertaining to screening and buffering must also be met.
      (4)   All requirements contained in subdivisions (1), (2), and (3) hereof must be fully complied with before a certificate of occupancy is issued by the Code Enforcement Officer.
   (c)   Mechanical equipment. All ground level and roof top mechanical equipment must be fully screened from view from all residential districts by a parapet wall or other screening structure constructed of the same materials as the principal building façade, or adequate landscaping to the height of such equipment.
   (d)   Refuse control. Refuse containers must be covered and shall be stored within completely enclosed buildings or placed in corrals providing screening from public streets and adjoining lots.
(Ord. 2012-20, passed 4-17-2012)