The powers and duties of the Village Council pertaining to the Zoning Code are as follows:
   (a)   Appoint one member of Village Council to the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Appoint five persons to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (c)   Initiate or act upon text or map amendments to the Zoning Code, provided that Council shall not act on any amendments or changes until the Planning Commission has had the opportunity to review the proposed changes and offer its recommendations to Council. Council shall act favorably upon such changes or amendments, following the receipt of a formal recommendation from the Planning Commission, only if the request can be justified on one of the following grounds:
      (1)   The change is in conformity with community development policies of the municipality.
      (2)   There had been a substantial and significant change in area conditions.
      (3)   There is a need for additional land in the zoning district classification being requested;
      (4)   There is a manifest error in the Zoning Code text or the Official Zoning District Map.
   (d)   Review the Planning Commission's recommendation on proposed Planned Development applications, and approve or disapprove the application by an affirmative vote of Council.
   (e)   Override a written recommendation of the Planning Commission on a text or map amendment provided that such action is passed by a vote of not less than five members of the Village Council.
(Ord. 2012-20, passed 4-17-2012)