(a) It is hereby declared to be in the public interest that the consent of the village be given, and the consent of the village is hereby given, to the Ohio Director of Transportation to maintain and repair Interstate 75 and to bear the costs thereof, inclusive of the furnishing of electric power for sign lighting and highway lighting.
(b) The village hereby proposes to cooperate with the state and will bear the cost and:
(1) Maintain and repair all grade separated municipal streets, exclusive of bridge structures, within the right-of-way limits of the Interstate Highway;
(2) Maintain and repair the wearing surface on bridges carrying municipal streets over the Interstate Highway when such wearing surface is separate from the bridge floor slab. Changes in type or depth of wearing surface will not be permitted without prior approval by the state.
(3) Remove snow and place abrasives and chemicals for ice control on all grade separated municipal streets, inclusive of bridges carrying such streets over the Interstate Highway;
(4) Maintain and repair all service roads, drainage structures and other roadway items located outside the fenced portion of the Interstate Highway;
(5) Furnish, install, maintain and repair all signs, pavement markings and other traffic control devices on the intersecting local streets at interchanges or on overpass or underpass roadways in accordance with the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices; and
(6) Maintain and repair (including furnishing electric power) highway lighting units on intersected local streets at interchanges and on overpass or underpass roadways.
(c) The Ohio Director of Transportation shall be the issuing authority for permits to use or occupy the Interstate Highway right-of-way and for permits for the movement of oversize and overweight loads over the Interstate Highway.
(Ord. 82-14, passed 1-18-1982)