(a)   The person chairing the meeting shall pronounce the name of the member entitled to the floor. All Council members and the Mayor shall confine themselves to the question under debate and shall avoid bitterness in reference to all personalities.
   (b)   No member or the Mayor shall be allowed to speak more than once upon any one subject until every member desiring to speak has spoken. No member or the Mayor shall speak more than twice on any one subject, or for longer than five minutes, without the permission of Council.
   (c)   Every member present, when a question is put, shall vote either yea or nay, unless Council, for special reasons, excuses him or her.
   (d)   A member may demand the division of a question under consideration, when the sense will admit thereof. A member may demand a call of the roll upon the yeas and nays on any question before Council at any time before the negative has been put.
   (e)   A member shall have the liberty to dissent from or protest against any ordinance, resolution or order of Council, and have the reason for his or her dissent entered upon the minutes. The dissent must be in writing couched in respectful language and shall be presented to Council not later than the next regular meeting after the meeting at which such ordinance, resolution or order was passed.
   (f)   No member shall leave a Council meeting while in session, without the consent of a majority of those present.
(Ord. 84-7, passed 2-10-1984)