(a)   Any or all of the term of imprisonment authorized under the village ordinances may be served by means of electronically monitored house arrest, in the sole discretion of the Mayor. In such case, the Mayor shall determine the number of days of actual imprisonment, the number of days of electronically monitored house arrest, and whether any of the days of actual imprisonment shall be suspended on the condition of successful completion of the incarceration by electronically monitored house arrest. The sum of the days of actual imprisonment plus the days of electronically monitored house arrest shall not exceed the stated maximum number of days of imprisonment for that particular offense.
   (b)   No individual may serve a term of imprisonment by electronically monitored house arrest unless he or she first executes an appropriate agreement made available to all defendants, whereby the defendant agrees to pay the cost of the system (or, in the sole discretion of the Mayor, the portion of the cost as he or she can afford to pay) and agrees to abide by all of the rules and regulations of the electronically monitored house arrest procedure. The agreement shall provide that no credit for suspended days of actual incarceration shall be granted unless the defendant successfully completes all of the days of the electronically monitored house arrest.
   (c)   No person, knowing that he or she is under the restriction of electronically monitored house arrest, shall purposely break or attempt to break the detention. Whoever violates this section is guilty of contempt of court and shall be punished under the authority of the Mayor’s Court to enforce its orders and punish for contempt.
(Ord. 91-12, passed 2-19-1991)
Statutory reference:
   State law provisions on electronically monitored house arrest, see Ohio R.C. § 2929.23